Visibilidade para aquelas que são invisíveis: descobrindo o véu que oculta o cárcere - uma reflexão sobre a situação das mulheres em penitenciárias femininas
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Chibante, Sofia Rodrigues
Andrade, Bruna Soares Angotti Batista de
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A falta de visibilidade perante o sistema carcerário feminino está longe de ter um fim. As
justificativas para isso, são os fatores sociais e administrativos que geram o cenário atual dentro
do corpo social, que tratam de elementos fortemente enraizados e incorporados nas estruturas
aceitas pela sociedade. A relevância deste artigo se dá pela importância atribuída às leis que
asseguram uma vida digna para todos os indivíduos, e que por certas razões não são efetivadas
dentro do sistema prisional perante as mulheres. De acordo com esta pesquisa bibliográfica, e
com análise de dados e gráficos quantitativos da Infopen Mulheres sobre prisões atuais, foi
possível expor drásticas ameaças à integridade da mulher tanto nas precariedades existentes
dentro dos presídios de maneira geral, quanto nas adversidades de adaptação adequada para o
gênero feminino. O objetivo da pesquisa foi procurar possíveis evoluções ou regressões nos
cuidados daquelas que estão sob tutela do Estado, de tal forma que os presídios fossem
analisados desde seu início até dias atuais. Serão destacados elementos essenciais para os
problemas construídos, considerados importantes colaboradores para o descaso praticado
contra as 'detentas', como o machismo e os preconceitos introduzidos pela sociedade, e a
administração estatal. Isto posto, é evidente o desprezo ante o gênero feminino dentro do
sistema prisional, que como consequência, acarreta a falta de recursos necessários para atender
as particularidades femininas. Em decorrência disso, é imprescindível a busca por mudanças, a
luta pela desconstrução de estereótipos e mais apoio e investimento do governo.
The lack of visibility in the female prison system is far from having an end. Reasons are the combination of social and administrative factors causing the current scenario in the social body which deal with elements that are strongly rooted and incorporated in the structures accepted by society. The relevance of this project is the importance of laws that ensure a dignified life for all individuals and which, due to certain reasons, are not being implemented for women within the prison system. According to this bibliographic research supported by data and graphs analysis from Infopen Mulheres on the current penitentiaries, it was possible to expose the drastic threats to women’s integrity in the existing precariousness in prisons in general and also in the adversities to achieve adequate adaptation for females. This paper aimed to search for possible developments or regressions on the care for women who are in State’s custody, by analyzing prisons since its start until the present day. The paper will highlight the essential elements of these built issues which are considered important factors that collaborate for the neglect practiced against inmates, such as male chauvinism and prejudices introduced by society and the State administration. That said, the act of disregard for the female gender within the prison system is evident, which consequently leads to the lack of resources necessary to meet female singularities. As a result, it is essential to keep looking for changes and to deconstruct stereotypes by additionally reaching for more government support and investment.
The lack of visibility in the female prison system is far from having an end. Reasons are the combination of social and administrative factors causing the current scenario in the social body which deal with elements that are strongly rooted and incorporated in the structures accepted by society. The relevance of this project is the importance of laws that ensure a dignified life for all individuals and which, due to certain reasons, are not being implemented for women within the prison system. According to this bibliographic research supported by data and graphs analysis from Infopen Mulheres on the current penitentiaries, it was possible to expose the drastic threats to women’s integrity in the existing precariousness in prisons in general and also in the adversities to achieve adequate adaptation for females. This paper aimed to search for possible developments or regressions on the care for women who are in State’s custody, by analyzing prisons since its start until the present day. The paper will highlight the essential elements of these built issues which are considered important factors that collaborate for the neglect practiced against inmates, such as male chauvinism and prejudices introduced by society and the State administration. That said, the act of disregard for the female gender within the prison system is evident, which consequently leads to the lack of resources necessary to meet female singularities. As a result, it is essential to keep looking for changes and to deconstruct stereotypes by additionally reaching for more government support and investment.
encarceramento feminino , adaptação , machismo , relevância social , invisibilidade feminina , female-incarceration , adaptation , male chauvinism , social relevance , female invisibility