A indenização de danos morais por erro de diagnóstico médico nos tempos atuais
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Guerreiro, Nicoly Nunes
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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O diagnóstico incorreto pode acarretar uma pluralidade de danos ao prejudicado, desse modo,
a responsabilização civil do médico é fundamental para a reparação dos prejuízos. O Poder
Judiciário entende que o lesado poderá ser indenizado de maneira material e/ou moral. Este
artigo estuda apenas o dano moral, aquele configurado quando o paciente foi prejudicado
internamente, na qual ocorre uma ruptura dos direitos da personalidade. O objeto de análise é
a indenização por danos morais à luz do erro de diagnóstico, ressaltando a complexidade da
relação jurídica que permeia a responsabilização civil médica, tendo em vista a doutrina, a
jurisprudência atual, a teoria da perda de uma chance e o impacto da pandemia do novo
Incorrect diagnosis can cause a plurality of damages to the injured party, that way, the civil liability of the doctor is fundamental for the repair of the damages. The Judiciary understands that the patient may be compensated in a material and/or moral way. This article only studies the moral damage, the one arises when the patient was internally injured, causing a disrespect to personality rights. The object of analysis is compensation for moral damages when diagnostic error happens, emphasizing the complexity of the legal relationship that permeates medical civil liability, bearing in mind the doctrine, current jurisprudence, the theory of the loss of a chance and the impact of the new coronavirus pandemic.
Incorrect diagnosis can cause a plurality of damages to the injured party, that way, the civil liability of the doctor is fundamental for the repair of the damages. The Judiciary understands that the patient may be compensated in a material and/or moral way. This article only studies the moral damage, the one arises when the patient was internally injured, causing a disrespect to personality rights. The object of analysis is compensation for moral damages when diagnostic error happens, emphasizing the complexity of the legal relationship that permeates medical civil liability, bearing in mind the doctrine, current jurisprudence, the theory of the loss of a chance and the impact of the new coronavirus pandemic.
direito civil , erro de diagnóstico médico , responsabilidade médica , dano moral , provas , civil law , medical misdiagnosis , medical responsibility , moral damage , evidences