CADE: Histório, estrutura, composição e atuação
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Fabre, Fernando Bossolan
Almeida, Washington Carlos de
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Por mais que atual e usualmente presente nos debates políticos, não é contemporânea a preocupação do Estado com o desenvolvimento da economia nacional, tampouco a forma com que o governo encara a necessidade de investimento em inovação tecnológica para fomentar a economia. Com isso em foco, este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar brevemente o surgimento histórico do antitruste, trazendo sua perspectiva à nível nacional para que possamos, de forma clara, objetiva e concisa, entender a atual forma de composição e estruturação do Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE, seus departamentos, suas competências e seus objetivos. Pois assim, a partir da sua base legal, esclareceremos como ele atua e de qual maneira acaba combatendo o monopólio estrutural, a formação de cartéis, o tabelamento de preço e os acordos comerciais que prejudicam a livre concorrência, livre iniciativa, a propriedade privada e, talvez o mais importante, a proteção do consumidor final.
Although current and usually present in the political debates, the State’s concern about the development of the national economy is not contemporary, neither the way in which the government views the need for investment in technological innovation and economic development. With this on focus, this paper aims to briefly analyze the historical emergence of antitrust, bringing your perspective at the national level so, that we can clearly, objectively and concisely clarify the current form, composition and structuring of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE, their departments, their competences and their objectives. So that, from its legal basis, we would like to clarify, how it can act in a way that counteracts structural monopoly, fixing prices and trade agreements that undermine free competition, free enterprise, private property and, perhaps most importantly, final consumer protection.
Although current and usually present in the political debates, the State’s concern about the development of the national economy is not contemporary, neither the way in which the government views the need for investment in technological innovation and economic development. With this on focus, this paper aims to briefly analyze the historical emergence of antitrust, bringing your perspective at the national level so, that we can clearly, objectively and concisely clarify the current form, composition and structuring of the Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE, their departments, their competences and their objectives. So that, from its legal basis, we would like to clarify, how it can act in a way that counteracts structural monopoly, fixing prices and trade agreements that undermine free competition, free enterprise, private property and, perhaps most importantly, final consumer protection.
antitruste , livre iniciativa , desenvolvimento econômico , Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE , free competition , free initiative , economic development , Administrative Council for Economic Defense – CADE