Análise aos crimes informáticos: estelionato, crimes contra a honra e pornografia infantil
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Soares, Juliana Laginhas
Barone, Marcelo Luiz
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O presente estudo, sem esgotar o tema, tem por objetivo analisar os principais
aspectos de quatro tipos penais mais comuns no âmbito digital. Os crimes digitais aumentaram
de maneira drástica ao longo dos anos, devido à globalização e o fácil acesso à Internet.
Consequentemente, foram criadas novas formas não somente de praticar as condutas delituosas
já existentes e tipificadas no âmbito penal, como também surgiram novos tipos penais
específicos desse meio. Dentre os crimes digitais, é possível destacar o estelionato, que se
tornou um tipo penal extremamente comum não somente na sua consumação presencial, como
também digital. Sobre os crimes contra a honra, estes são cometidos diariamente pelos usuários
da Internet, muitas vezes sem que eles percebam que estão o cometendo através de comentários
em posts e explanando opiniões ofensivas aos usuários da rede. Por fim, a pornografia infantil
teve sua disseminação aumentada através do advento digital, favorecendo o fácil acesso a esse
tipo de conteúdo, além de facilitar a sua disseminação.
This study, without exhausting the topic, aims to analyze the main aspects of four most common criminal types in the digital sphere. Digital crimes have increased dramatically over the years, due to globalization and easy access to the Internet. Consequently, new ways were created not only to practice the already existing criminal offenses and typified in the criminal sphere, but also new criminal types specific to that environment have emerged. Among the digital crimes, it is possible to highlight the fraud, which has become an extremely common criminal type not only in its face-to-face consummation, but also digital. About the crimes against honor are committed daily by Internet users, often without them realizing that they are committing it through comments on posts and explaining offensive opinions to users of the network. Also, child pornography had its dissemination increased through the digital advent, favoring easy access to this type of content, in addition to facilitating its dissemination.
This study, without exhausting the topic, aims to analyze the main aspects of four most common criminal types in the digital sphere. Digital crimes have increased dramatically over the years, due to globalization and easy access to the Internet. Consequently, new ways were created not only to practice the already existing criminal offenses and typified in the criminal sphere, but also new criminal types specific to that environment have emerged. Among the digital crimes, it is possible to highlight the fraud, which has become an extremely common criminal type not only in its face-to-face consummation, but also digital. About the crimes against honor are committed daily by Internet users, often without them realizing that they are committing it through comments on posts and explaining offensive opinions to users of the network. Also, child pornography had its dissemination increased through the digital advent, favoring easy access to this type of content, in addition to facilitating its dissemination.
crimes virtuais , internet , classificação , estelionato , crimes contra a honra , pornografia infantil , cybercrimes , fraud , swindle , crimes related to honor and reputation