Compliance em instituições de pagamento
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Milhomem, Jerlione dos Anjos
Saavedra, Giovani Agostini
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Membros da banca
Este trabalho tem como objetivo estudar a formação do Programa de Compliance em
Instituições de Pagamento, desde seu conceito dentro da estrutura de gestão de riscos,
conceituação doutrinária e origem histórica no nos EUA com o escândalo de Watergate, que
culminou na criação do Foreing Corrupt Pratices Act (FCPA) por conseguinte, do
estabelecimento de padrões elevados de integridade no cenário internacional. Sendo a Europa
referência de Legislação, ao instituir o UK Bribery Act. E o Comitê da Basileia, uma importante
organização internacional norteadora no sentido de fortalecer a solidez dos sistemas
financeiros. Ao se observar o cenário nacional, tem-se que ambos as legislações foram tomadas
como base para a elaboração da lei anticorrupção brasileira. Observa-se ainda as revoluções
trazidas pela Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados. Outro ponto abordado, é a Operação Lava-Jato
na instituição de programas de Compliance no Sistema Financeiro nacional. Além do Banco
Central atuante como uma das principais autarquias reguladoras, responsável pela
internalização das exigências de conformidade à nível mundial. Estuda-se ainda, os pilares de
um programa de Compliance, suas principais ferramentas e processos. E por fim, como é feita
a comunicação em casos de crimes contra o sistema financeiro; além da atuação no processo de
conformidade ao sistema Pix e a importância do Compliance no sentido de promover uma
sociedade mais dinâmica, segura e inclusiva.
This work aims to study the formation of the Compliance Program in Payment Institutions, from its concept within the structure of risk management, doctrinal conceptualization and historical origin in the USA with the Watergate scandal, which culminated in the creation of Foreing Corrupt Pratices Act (FCPA) therefore, of establishing high standards of integrity in the international scene. As Europe is a reference in Legislation, when establishing the UK Bribery Act. And the Basel Committee, an important international organization that guides the strengthening of the soundness of financiais systems. When observing the national scenario, it is clear that both laws were taken as a basis for the elaboration of the Brazilian anti-corruption law. The revolutions brought by the General Data Protection Law are also observed. Another point addressed is Operation Lava-Jato in the institution of Compliance programs in the national Financial System. In addition to the Central Bank acting as one of the main regulatory authorities, responsible for internalizing compliance requirements worldwide. The pillars of a Compliance, its main tools and processes are also studied. And finally, how communication is done in cases of crimes against the financial system and the importance of Compliance in this regard.
This work aims to study the formation of the Compliance Program in Payment Institutions, from its concept within the structure of risk management, doctrinal conceptualization and historical origin in the USA with the Watergate scandal, which culminated in the creation of Foreing Corrupt Pratices Act (FCPA) therefore, of establishing high standards of integrity in the international scene. As Europe is a reference in Legislation, when establishing the UK Bribery Act. And the Basel Committee, an important international organization that guides the strengthening of the soundness of financiais systems. When observing the national scenario, it is clear that both laws were taken as a basis for the elaboration of the Brazilian anti-corruption law. The revolutions brought by the General Data Protection Law are also observed. Another point addressed is Operation Lava-Jato in the institution of Compliance programs in the national Financial System. In addition to the Central Bank acting as one of the main regulatory authorities, responsible for internalizing compliance requirements worldwide. The pillars of a Compliance, its main tools and processes are also studied. And finally, how communication is done in cases of crimes against the financial system and the importance of Compliance in this regard.
conformidade , gestão de riscos , compliance , lavagem de dinheiro , compliance , risk management , money laundry , corruption