Ao redor da lei: uma análise sobre o conceito de ilegalismo, de Michel Foucault
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Silveira, Gustavo Soel Vieira
Bôas Filho, Orlando Villas
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Este trabalho teve como objetivo a pesquisa, através de revisão bibliográfica, do
conceito de ilegalismo, proposto pelo filósofo Michel Foucault. No primeiro capítulo, foi
realizada uma exposição não exaustiva das obras escritas por Michel Foucault, para
entender suas escolhas epistemológicas, tais como a Arqueologia e Genealogia; Neste
sentido, foi realizada uma breve comparação entre os dois métodos, e o modo como a
Genealogia se relaciona mais diretamente com uma teoria do poder; no segundo
capítulo, foi examinado o conceito de ilegalismo em si, ou seja, o modo como ele surge
e aparece no corpo teórico do filósofo, bem como a sua relação com outras de suas
teorias, tais como as instituições de sequestro e o poder disciplinar, e o comentário feito
a seu respeito por outros filósofos que se debruçaram sobre sua obra; por fim, o
terceiro capítulo buscou o exame da aplicação do conceito por outros intelectuais,
especialmente na sociologia e antropologia brasileiras contemporâneas, especialmente
no que se refere aos mercados irregulares de bens e serviços, bem como ao
narcotráfico e às organizações criminosas.
This work aimed to research, through bibliographic review, the concept of illegalism, proposed by the philosopher Michel Foucault. In the first chapter, a non-exhaustive exposition of the works written by Michel Foucault was made, to understand his epistemological choices, such as Archeology and Genealogy; In this sense, a brief comparison was made between the two methods, and the way in which Genealogy relates more directly to a theory of power; in the second chapter, the concept of illegalism itself was examined, that is, the way it arises and appears in the philosopher's theoretical body, as well as its relationship with other of his theories, such as disciplinary institutions and disciplinary power, and the comments made about it by other philosophers who have looked into his work; finally, the third chapter sought to examine the application of the concept by other intellectuals, especially in contemporary Brazilian sociology and anthropology, especially with regard to the irregular markets for goods and services, as well as drug trafficking and criminal organizations.
This work aimed to research, through bibliographic review, the concept of illegalism, proposed by the philosopher Michel Foucault. In the first chapter, a non-exhaustive exposition of the works written by Michel Foucault was made, to understand his epistemological choices, such as Archeology and Genealogy; In this sense, a brief comparison was made between the two methods, and the way in which Genealogy relates more directly to a theory of power; in the second chapter, the concept of illegalism itself was examined, that is, the way it arises and appears in the philosopher's theoretical body, as well as its relationship with other of his theories, such as disciplinary institutions and disciplinary power, and the comments made about it by other philosophers who have looked into his work; finally, the third chapter sought to examine the application of the concept by other intellectuals, especially in contemporary Brazilian sociology and anthropology, especially with regard to the irregular markets for goods and services, as well as drug trafficking and criminal organizations.
filosofia do direito , ilegalidade , ilegalismo , genealogia , philoshophy of law , illegality , illegalism , genealogy