O princípio da segurança jurídica aplicado à efetividade dos acordos de leniência previstos pela lei anticorrupção
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Cortese, Marina
Souza, Eduardo Stevanato Pereira de
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O presente artigo se destina a analisar a relação entre o Princípio da Segurança Jurídica e a real efetividade dos Acordos de Leniência trazidos pela Lei n. 12.846/2013. Para isso, foram trazidos à discussão a origem dos acordos colaborativos no panorama internacional, levando em consideração i) sua primeira implementação no ordenamento norte-americano, seguida de sua necessidade de reformulação e ressaltando os principais motivos dos doutrinadores para tal, e ii) posteriormente o transplante para o ordenamento jurídico brasileiro – inicialmente tratado apenas na legislação antitruste – e sua consagração com a norma anticorrupção. Com presente trabalho, propõe-se uma análise crítica dos conflitos encontrados pelos infratores que procuram a colaboração com o Poder Público e a razão pela qual sua prática vem sendo desestimulada.
This article analyzes the relationship between the Principle of Legal Certainty and the actual effectiveness of Leniency Agreements introduced by Law no. 12,846 / 2013. To this end, the origin of collaborative agreements on the international scene was brought into discussion, taking into account i) their first implementation in the US legal order, followed by their need of reformulation and highlighting legal scholar’s main reasons for that, and ii) later their internalisation in Brazilian legal system - initially dealt with only in antitrust law - and its consecration by the anti-corruption norm. This paper proposes a critical analysis of the conflicts encountered by violators seeking collaboration with the Government and the reason why their practice has been discouraged.
This article analyzes the relationship between the Principle of Legal Certainty and the actual effectiveness of Leniency Agreements introduced by Law no. 12,846 / 2013. To this end, the origin of collaborative agreements on the international scene was brought into discussion, taking into account i) their first implementation in the US legal order, followed by their need of reformulation and highlighting legal scholar’s main reasons for that, and ii) later their internalisation in Brazilian legal system - initially dealt with only in antitrust law - and its consecration by the anti-corruption norm. This paper proposes a critical analysis of the conflicts encountered by violators seeking collaboration with the Government and the reason why their practice has been discouraged.
acordo de leniência , lei n. 12.846/2013 , segurança jurídica , efetividade , leniency agreements , law no. 12,846 / 2013 , legal certainty , effectiveness