A 4ª revolução tecnológica e a luta operária e sindical
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Costa, Giovana Aiello Soares da
Cavalcante, Jouberto de Quadros Pessoa
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A presente monografia tem por objetivo apresentar a importância da atuação dos
sindicatos de categoria em face do desemprego tecnológico ocasionado pela Indústria
4.0. Desta maneira, o trabalho demonstrará o conceito, evolução histórica das
Revoluções Industriais, lutas operárias ao longo dos séculos, o impacto da Indústria
4.0 nas relações de emprego e, por fim, o papel do sindicato neste contexto atual.
Analisar-se-á a falência do modelo sindical no Brasil e no mundo, sobretudo no
aspecto do modelo corporativista imposto desde a Era Vargas e como isso influencia
no enfraquecimento e desconfiança do movimento sindical.
The purpose of this undergraduate thesis is to present the importance of trade union’s performances against technological unemployment caused by Industry 4.0. Therefore, this study will exhibit the concept, the historical evolution of the Industrial Revolutions, the workers struggles over the centuries, the impact of Industry 4.0 on employment relations and, finally, the role indicated in this current context. Finally, we will analyze the bankruptcy of the union model in Brazil and in the world, especially in the aspect of the corporate model imposed from the Vargas Era and how it influences the weakening and distrust of the union movement.
The purpose of this undergraduate thesis is to present the importance of trade union’s performances against technological unemployment caused by Industry 4.0. Therefore, this study will exhibit the concept, the historical evolution of the Industrial Revolutions, the workers struggles over the centuries, the impact of Industry 4.0 on employment relations and, finally, the role indicated in this current context. Finally, we will analyze the bankruptcy of the union model in Brazil and in the world, especially in the aspect of the corporate model imposed from the Vargas Era and how it influences the weakening and distrust of the union movement.
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sindicato , indústria 4.0 , desemprego , trade unions , industry 4.0 , unemployment