Aborto como um direito reprodutivo e sexual da mulher: uma abordagem em face do Zika vírus
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Ozores, Gabriella Vilela
Pierson, Lia Cristina Campos
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O presente trabalho busca discutir a possibilidade da interrupção da gravidez, com ênfase em
fetos diagnosticados com microcefalia. Aborto sempre foi um tema muito discutido na
sociedade, entretanto, desde 2015, voltou à tona com o aumento no número de recémnascidos
diagnosticados com o distúrbio neurológico da microcefalia, em razão da
contaminação da genitora pelo Zika vírus. A epidemia desse vírus surgiu exatamente em 2015
com a falta de controle do mosquito Aedes aegypti. Aborto é considerado crime no Brasil,
exceto quando gera risco de vida para a genitora, quando a gestação é resultante de um
estupro ou se o feto for diagnosticado com anencefalia. Entretanto, mesmo sendo ilegal, as
mulheres, em situações precárias, têm praticado o aborto e muitas acabam falecendo, fazendo
com que essa discussão não seja somente ideológica, mas principalmente um caso de saúde
The goal of this Project is to discuss the possibility of termination of pregnancy, with emphasis on fetuses diagnosed with microcephaly. Abortion has Always been a hotly debated topic in society, but since 2015 it has surfaced with increasing number of newborns diagnosed with microcephaly neurological disorder, due to contamination of the mother with Zika vírus. The epidemic of this virus came exactly in 2015 with the lack of control of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Abortion is considered a crime in Brazil, except when it causes life threatening to the mother, when pregnancy results from rape or if the fetus is diagnosed with anencephaly. However, even though it is illegal, women in precarious situations, are practicing abortion and many die, making this discussion not only ideological, but mainly a case of public health.
The goal of this Project is to discuss the possibility of termination of pregnancy, with emphasis on fetuses diagnosed with microcephaly. Abortion has Always been a hotly debated topic in society, but since 2015 it has surfaced with increasing number of newborns diagnosed with microcephaly neurological disorder, due to contamination of the mother with Zika vírus. The epidemic of this virus came exactly in 2015 with the lack of control of the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Abortion is considered a crime in Brazil, except when it causes life threatening to the mother, when pregnancy results from rape or if the fetus is diagnosed with anencephaly. However, even though it is illegal, women in precarious situations, are practicing abortion and many die, making this discussion not only ideological, but mainly a case of public health.
aborto , microcefalia , zika vírus , epidemia , abortion , microcephaly , epidemic