A responsabilidade civil do cotista de fundo de investimento: uma análise à luz da lei da liberdade econômica (lei 13.874/19)
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Muniz, Eduarda Ciocca
Cárnio, Thaís Cíntia
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Membros da banca
O presente Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso tem por objetivo analisar as alterações
trazidas ao Código Civil (Lei nº 10.406, de 10 de janeiro de 2002) pela Lei nº 13.874 (de 20 de
setembro de 2019), popularmente conhecida como “Lei da Liberdade Econômica”,
especialmente no que tange à responsabilidade civil dos cotistas dos Fundos de Investimentos.
Para tal, o artigo se inicia com uma reconstrução da natureza jurídica e das classificações dos
Fundos de Investimentos, sendo identificado, em especial, a posição ocupada pelo cotista investidor. Com isso, procura-se analisar como a responsabilidade civil do cotista-investidor
foi alterada até chegar ao previsto pela referida lei, concluindo acerca da competência da
Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“CVM”) para regulamentar o assunto.
This Course Conclusion Paper aims to analyze the changes brought to the Civil Code (Law No. 10,406, of January 10, 2002) by Law nº 13,874 (of September 20, 2019), popularly known as “Economic Freedom Law”, especially with regard to the civil liability of the investment fund shareholders. To this end, the article begins with a reconstruction of the legal nature and classification of the Investment Funds, being identified the position occupied by the shareholder. Then, it seeks to analyze how the civil liability of the investment fund shareholders was changed until referred law, particularly regarding the competence of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) to regulate the matter.
This Course Conclusion Paper aims to analyze the changes brought to the Civil Code (Law No. 10,406, of January 10, 2002) by Law nº 13,874 (of September 20, 2019), popularly known as “Economic Freedom Law”, especially with regard to the civil liability of the investment fund shareholders. To this end, the article begins with a reconstruction of the legal nature and classification of the Investment Funds, being identified the position occupied by the shareholder. Then, it seeks to analyze how the civil liability of the investment fund shareholders was changed until referred law, particularly regarding the competence of the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) to regulate the matter.
fundos de investimento , responsabilidade , cotista , investment funds , responsibility , shareholder