A discricionariedade do ato de expulsão, análise de sua legalidade e a mudança de paradigma na jurisprudência relativa às exceções a expulsão na Lei de Migrações
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Spilari, Gabriel Victor Araujo
Mahlke, Helisane
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O objetivo desse artigo é analisar a mudança de paradigma jurisprudencial e legislativo em relação ao estabelecimento de critérios para a expulsão de migrantes, em especial, as relativas a existência de filhos brasileiros sob a ótica da ponderação entre o ato discricionário do poder público em sua legalidade e do melhor interesse da criança. Para tanto, em uma perspectiva histórico-jurídica, analisou-se o posicionamento de tribunais superiores, bem como a relação entre a expulsão e áreas correlatas como o direito constitucional, administrativo e penal. Toma-se como ponto de partida a Súmula 1 do STF de 1963 até a atual Lei de Migrações (Lei nº 13.445/ 2017).
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the paradigm shift between jurisprudential and legislative understanding in relation to the establishment of criteria for the expulsion of migrants, especially those related to the existence of Brazilian children, in a perspective that balances between the discretionary act of public law in its legality and the best interest of the child. For this purpose, from a historical-legal perspective, it was analyzed the position of higher courts as well as the relationship between expulsion and related fields such as constitutional, public law and criminal law. Precedent 1 of the Supreme Court of 1963 is taken as the starting point of the discussion until the current Migration Law (Law No. 13.445/2017).
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the paradigm shift between jurisprudential and legislative understanding in relation to the establishment of criteria for the expulsion of migrants, especially those related to the existence of Brazilian children, in a perspective that balances between the discretionary act of public law in its legality and the best interest of the child. For this purpose, from a historical-legal perspective, it was analyzed the position of higher courts as well as the relationship between expulsion and related fields such as constitutional, public law and criminal law. Precedent 1 of the Supreme Court of 1963 is taken as the starting point of the discussion until the current Migration Law (Law No. 13.445/2017).
expulsão , ato discricionário , legalidade , melhor interesse da criança , expulsion , discretionary act , legality , best interest of the child