Revista Nanny
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Gonçalves, Lianna Antunes
Trigo, José Alves
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Membros da banca
Auxiliar jovens (mulheres em sua maioria), entre 18 e 26 anos, que optaram
por participar do programa de intercâmbio denominado Au Pair.
Trazer informações relevantes relacionadas a preparação para o Au Pair,
assim como o que esperar da vivência nos Estados Unidos da América.
Entreter os leitores com matérias descontraídas, informais, simples, diretas e
ainda assim com conteúdo pertinente, a fim de criar um vínculo com o público.
Apresentar histórias reais de mulheres - e um homem - que participaram, ainda
participam ou participarão do programa a fim de apresentar a realidade mais tátil.
To help young adults (mostly women), between 18 and 26 years old, who opted to join the Au Pair exchange program. To bring relevant information regarding the Au Pair preparation, as well as what to expect from living in the United States of America. To entertain the readers with laid-back, informal, simple, straightforward yet relevant articles in order to build rapport with the public. To present real stories from women - and a man - who have, still or will participate in the program, wishing to bring a more tactile reality.
To help young adults (mostly women), between 18 and 26 years old, who opted to join the Au Pair exchange program. To bring relevant information regarding the Au Pair preparation, as well as what to expect from living in the United States of America. To entertain the readers with laid-back, informal, simple, straightforward yet relevant articles in order to build rapport with the public. To present real stories from women - and a man - who have, still or will participate in the program, wishing to bring a more tactile reality.
programa , intercâmbio , jovem , au pair , viagem , Estados Unidos , revista , program , exchange , young adults , au pair , travel , United States , magazine