Grande reportagem em livro “Pornô: A indústria do prazer e do vício”
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Lopes, Júlia Palas Barreiros
Bueno, Vinicius Prates da Fonseca
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Este trabalho acadêmico é uma grande reportagem em livro, que conta sobre as
consequências boas e ruins da pornografia na sociedade e como isto afeta a relação
interpessoal de homens e mulheres. Objetivo do trabalho é conscientizar as pessoas
da consequências do consumo de pornografia. O tema é debatido por meio de
entrevista com psicólogos, educadores e pessoas que trabalham com pornografia e
além de pesquisas em livros e artigos online, sendo os principais autores: Michael
Foucault e Regina Navarro Lins. Retratando no decorrer dos capítulos: as questões
vício e do tratamento, a facilidade dos menores de idade acessarem e as
consequências, a vida de quem trabalha com pornografia e com estas pessoas são
vistas, uma breve história da indústria e as mudanças quem vem ocorrendo no
mercado. O resultado foi um livro que debateu a lado bom e ruim da pornografia,
verificando até que ponto este habito pode ser considerado saudável ou não.
Resultando em um livro melhor que sua proposta original, pois mostrou mais de um
lado da pornografia, não apenas o ruim.
This undergraduate thesis is a jornalism article in book, which is about the good and bad consequences of pornography and how that afects the relationship between man and women. The main topic is a debate by interviews with psychologists, educators and persons who works with pornography and research on books and online article, the main authors are Michel Foucaut and Regina Navarro Lins. During the chacter of the book was debated topics like: porn addiction and the treatment, the easy acess to online porn of under aged and consequences, the life of who works with porn and how the society see their and brief story about porn industry and the changes in this industry. The result of the book was a dabate about the good and bad side of pornography, checking to what extent this habit can be considered healthy or not. Resulting in a better book than its original proposal as it showed more than one side of porn, not just the bad.
This undergraduate thesis is a jornalism article in book, which is about the good and bad consequences of pornography and how that afects the relationship between man and women. The main topic is a debate by interviews with psychologists, educators and persons who works with pornography and research on books and online article, the main authors are Michel Foucaut and Regina Navarro Lins. During the chacter of the book was debated topics like: porn addiction and the treatment, the easy acess to online porn of under aged and consequences, the life of who works with porn and how the society see their and brief story about porn industry and the changes in this industry. The result of the book was a dabate about the good and bad side of pornography, checking to what extent this habit can be considered healthy or not. Resulting in a better book than its original proposal as it showed more than one side of porn, not just the bad.
pornografia , consequências , relações-interpessoais , pornography , consequences , relationship