Os alunos nativos digitais e a gamificação como estratégia de ensino
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Amaral, Liliana Chaves de Oliveira do
Lopes, Ana Lucia de Souza
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Este trabalho visa auxiliar o fazer docente buscando compreender o perfil dos alunos
conhecidos como nativos digitais, que tem contato com tais tecnologias desde a primeira
infância. Assim como a relevância dos jogos no cotidiano, conduzindo a reflexão sobre
propostas mais adequadas para trabalhar com estes alunos. Esta pesquisa tem como referência
o pensamento de teóricos como Cosenza e Guerra (2011), Prensky (2012), Cole e Engestrom
(1993), Bannell, et al (2017), Serres (2013), Huizinga (2019) entre outros. Sugere-se então,
dentre as metodologias ativas, a gamificação como excelente estratégia de ensino. Com o
objetivo de verificar a viabilidade da proposta, foi feita uma pesquisa de campo descritiva, e
exploratória análise de duas estratégias gamificadas. Uma utilizando ferramentas digitais e
outra analógica. As estratégias foram aplicadas em duas turmas do 5° ano do ensino
fundamental e contaram com a participação de cerca de 44 alunos e duas professoras, em uma
escola da rede privada de ensino em Uberlândia, MG. Os dados da pesquisa, o desenvolvimento
das estratégias, o levantamento e a discussão dos resultados, identificaram que conforme os
referenciais teóricos as experiências realizadas efetivamente contemplaram ao que elas se
propunham. Despertando interesse, promovendo o engajamento e protagonismo no
desenvolvimento e aprendizado de competências e habilidades por parte dos alunos.
Ambicionando auxiliar os profissionais de educação neste trabalho, partindo da própria
dificuldade da pesquisadora, este trabalho também apresenta um glossário da cultura digital
This essay aims to help teachers by trying to comprehend the profile of a generation of students known as digital natives, who have had contact with technology since the first childhood. As well as the relevance of games in their day to day lives, inducing a reflection of better teaching mechanisms for said students. The theoretical frame for this essay includes Cosenza and Guerra (2011), Prensky (2012), Cole and Engerstrom (1993), Bannell et al (2017), Serres (2013), Huizinga (2019), among others. Between active methodologies, it’s suggested gamification as an excellent teaching strategy. This essay’s goal is to check the viability of the proposition; therefore, a descriptive field research was made, followed by the analysis of two gamification strategies. One used digital tools and the other, analogical. The strategies were applied to two Middle School’s fifth grade classes and had the participation of 44 students and two teachers – in a private school in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais. The research data, the development strategy, the collecting and debate of the results identified that the experiments accomplished their propositions – going accordingly with the theorical frame. These strategies triggered the interest of the students, promoted engagement, as well as protagonism in the student’s development and learning of competences and skills. Aiming on helping education professionals – as the researcher herself experienced – this essay also provides a digital culture glossary
This essay aims to help teachers by trying to comprehend the profile of a generation of students known as digital natives, who have had contact with technology since the first childhood. As well as the relevance of games in their day to day lives, inducing a reflection of better teaching mechanisms for said students. The theoretical frame for this essay includes Cosenza and Guerra (2011), Prensky (2012), Cole and Engerstrom (1993), Bannell et al (2017), Serres (2013), Huizinga (2019), among others. Between active methodologies, it’s suggested gamification as an excellent teaching strategy. This essay’s goal is to check the viability of the proposition; therefore, a descriptive field research was made, followed by the analysis of two gamification strategies. One used digital tools and the other, analogical. The strategies were applied to two Middle School’s fifth grade classes and had the participation of 44 students and two teachers – in a private school in Uberlandia, Minas Gerais. The research data, the development strategy, the collecting and debate of the results identified that the experiments accomplished their propositions – going accordingly with the theorical frame. These strategies triggered the interest of the students, promoted engagement, as well as protagonism in the student’s development and learning of competences and skills. Aiming on helping education professionals – as the researcher herself experienced – this essay also provides a digital culture glossary
nativos digitais , jogos , estratégias de ensino , gamificação , glossário , digital natives , games , teaching strategies , gamification. glossary