Desafios e transformações do processo avaliativo na educação infantil em tempos de pandemia da covid-19 na cidade de São Paulo
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Oré, Maria Clara Laso
Lopes, Ana Lucia de Souza
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Este trabalho visa compreender como os professores da Educação Infantil, de crianças de 3 a 5
anos de idade, adaptaram-se para garantir um modelo de ensino remoto que incluiu um plano
de avaliação no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19. A fundamentação teórica sobre a
avaliação da aprendizagem no cenário escolar é embasada pelos autores Spinardi e Both (2018);
os quais descrevem a avaliação como parte intrínseca do ensino e também da aprendizagem; e
pelos autores Dos Santos e Guimarães (2017) que apresentam a avaliação como instrumento
que colabora para a construção do conhecimento. Para discutir sobre a avaliação no processo
de ensino e aprendizagem, apoiamo-nos em Santos e Varela (2007), Alves (2013), Perrenoud
(1999), Rampazzo (2011), entre outros autores. Ao discutir sobre a avaliação na Educação
Infantil (EI), área que consiste na educação das crianças com idades entre 0 a 5 anos, baseamo nos em documentos oficiais legais, como a RCNEI1, a LDB2 e as DCNEI3, que instruem que a
avaliação deve ser realizada com um caráter formativo que busque o desenvolvimento da
aprendizagem da criança. Para discutir as relações entre o evento da pandemia pelo
coronavírus-19, que, no ano de 2020, obrigou a creches, pré-escolas e escolas a suspenderem
atividades presenciais ao redor do mundo e, como as instituições vêm reinventando seu modo
de ensinar e avaliar, traçamos um panorama a partir dos documentos oficiais como o Diário
Oficial da União, os Conselhos Nacional, Municipal e Estadual de Educação, e o Ministério da
Educação. Além disso, apoiamo-nos em pesquisas recentes apresentadas por autores como
Trindade et al (2020) e Dos Santos (2020), que pesquisaram e discutiram sobre as possibilidades
e limitações do processo avaliativo diante da quarentena. Neste trabalho, optou-se por um
estudo qualitativo e descritivo, o qual tem por objetivo geral analisar os desafios enfrentados
pelos professores da educação infantil, de crianças de 3 a 5 anos de idade, no ano de 2020 e
2021, durante a quarentena ocasionada pela pandemia de covid-19, e suas experiências
educacionais relacionadas à avaliação da educação. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são quatro
professores que atuam na EI e como instrumento de coleta de dados, utilizou-se a entrevista
realizada por meio de uma plataforma digital. Os resultados evidenciaram que, entre todas as
dificuldades apresentadas pelos docentes, o trabalho com os pais foi o mais desafiador, pois
esses não compreendiam a importância do processo, dificultando a avaliação do ensino e a
aprendizagem. Ademais, apesar dos entraves que surgiram, esse cenário permitiu criar novas
possibilidades de avaliação que ainda não haviam sido amplamente utilizadas para esta faixa
etária, incluindo a tecnologia como aliada
This term paper aims to understand how preschool teachers, that work with 3 to 5 years old children, adapted to ensure a distance teaching model that includes an assessment plan in the COVID – 19 pandemic context. The theoretical foundation about the learning assessment in a school scenario is supported by the authors Both and Spinardi (2018), which describe the assessment as an inherent part of the teaching and learning process; and by the authors Dos Santos e Guimarães (2017) that present the assessment as an instrument that collaborates with the knowledge development. To discuss the assessment in the teaching and learning process we found support in Santos e Varela (2007), Alves (2013), Perrenoud (1999), Rampazzo (2011), and other authors. When we discuss the assessment in the early childhood education, area that consists in the education of children from 0 to 5 years old, we found support on legal and official documents, like the RCNEI, the LDB and the DCNEI, that instruct that the assessment should be accomplished with a formative nature that seeks the development of the children's learning. To discuss the relations between the COVID-19 pandemic event, that, in 2020, obligated nursery schools, pre-schools and schools to suspend face-to-face activities all over the world, and how these institutions have been reinventing their methods of teaching and assessing the students, we mapped an overview based on the official documents like Union Official Journal, the National, Municipal and State Councils of the Education, and the Ministry of Education. In addition, we found support from recent research presented by authors like Trindade et al (2020) e Dos Santos (2020), that researched and talked about the possibilities and limitations of the assessment process before the quarantine. In this term paper, we chose a qualitative and descriptive study that focuses on analyzing the limitations faced by early childhood teachers, that work with 3 to 5 years old kids, in the year of 2020 and 2021, during the quarantine by the COVID-19, and their educational experiences related to the education assessment. The research subjects are four teachers that work in preschool and, as an instrument of data collection, we used the interview, applied in a digital platform. The results revealed that, among all the difficulties presented by the teachers, the job with parents was the most challenging, because they didn't understand the importance of the process, complicating the learning/teaching assessment. Moreover, although the obstacles that appeared, this scenario allowed to create new possibilities of assessment that still haven't been thought for this age group, including the technology as an ally
This term paper aims to understand how preschool teachers, that work with 3 to 5 years old children, adapted to ensure a distance teaching model that includes an assessment plan in the COVID – 19 pandemic context. The theoretical foundation about the learning assessment in a school scenario is supported by the authors Both and Spinardi (2018), which describe the assessment as an inherent part of the teaching and learning process; and by the authors Dos Santos e Guimarães (2017) that present the assessment as an instrument that collaborates with the knowledge development. To discuss the assessment in the teaching and learning process we found support in Santos e Varela (2007), Alves (2013), Perrenoud (1999), Rampazzo (2011), and other authors. When we discuss the assessment in the early childhood education, area that consists in the education of children from 0 to 5 years old, we found support on legal and official documents, like the RCNEI, the LDB and the DCNEI, that instruct that the assessment should be accomplished with a formative nature that seeks the development of the children's learning. To discuss the relations between the COVID-19 pandemic event, that, in 2020, obligated nursery schools, pre-schools and schools to suspend face-to-face activities all over the world, and how these institutions have been reinventing their methods of teaching and assessing the students, we mapped an overview based on the official documents like Union Official Journal, the National, Municipal and State Councils of the Education, and the Ministry of Education. In addition, we found support from recent research presented by authors like Trindade et al (2020) e Dos Santos (2020), that researched and talked about the possibilities and limitations of the assessment process before the quarantine. In this term paper, we chose a qualitative and descriptive study that focuses on analyzing the limitations faced by early childhood teachers, that work with 3 to 5 years old kids, in the year of 2020 and 2021, during the quarantine by the COVID-19, and their educational experiences related to the education assessment. The research subjects are four teachers that work in preschool and, as an instrument of data collection, we used the interview, applied in a digital platform. The results revealed that, among all the difficulties presented by the teachers, the job with parents was the most challenging, because they didn't understand the importance of the process, complicating the learning/teaching assessment. Moreover, although the obstacles that appeared, this scenario allowed to create new possibilities of assessment that still haven't been thought for this age group, including the technology as an ally
avaliação , ensino remoto , educação infantil , relação pais-aluno-professor , prática docente , assessment , remote education , preschool education , parents-students-teacher , relationship , teacher experience.