Um estudo sobre violência obstétrica para a realização do livro-reportagem: “as faces da dor - a violência por trás do parto”
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Sodré, Nathalia
Santoro, André Cioli Taborda
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso teve como principal finalidade
elaborar um livro-reportagem sobre o cenário da violência obstétrica no Brasil,
usando como enfoque histórias de mulheres que durante o processo da gravidez
sofreram com ações e procedimentos considerados violentos e inadequados. O
processo de elaboração foi dividido em pré-apuração, na qual foi realizado um
estudo sobre o panorama atual da violência obstétrica no Brasil, procedimentos
utilizados durante o parto e os principais termos médicos. Com a pesquisa de
campo foram reunidas experiências próprias, informações adicionais e relatos
das personagens retratados no livro. Essas duas etapas resultaram na
finalização do livro reportagem intitulado “As faces da dor- a violência por trás do
The main purpose of this course conclusion paper was to elaborate a report book on the scenario of obstetric violence in Brazil, focusing on stories of women who during the process of pregnancy suffered from actions and procedures considered violent and inappropriate. The elaboration process was divided into pre-verification, in which a study was conducted on the current panorama of obstetric violence in Brazil, procedures used during childbirth and the main medical terms. With the field research were gathered their own experiences, additional information and reports of the characters portrayed in the book. These two steps resulted in the completion of the report book titled “The Faces of Pain - the Violence Behind Childbirth”.
The main purpose of this course conclusion paper was to elaborate a report book on the scenario of obstetric violence in Brazil, focusing on stories of women who during the process of pregnancy suffered from actions and procedures considered violent and inappropriate. The elaboration process was divided into pre-verification, in which a study was conducted on the current panorama of obstetric violence in Brazil, procedures used during childbirth and the main medical terms. With the field research were gathered their own experiences, additional information and reports of the characters portrayed in the book. These two steps resulted in the completion of the report book titled “The Faces of Pain - the Violence Behind Childbirth”.
parto , violência obstétrica , livro-reportagem , obstetric violence , book reportage , childbirth