Eu sou a arte: relatório de realização do documentário sobre a relação entre a arte e pessoas com deficiência
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Fernandes, Olivia Moderno
Harris, Hugo de Almeida
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Eu sou a arte é um documentário com enfoque no jornalismo humanizado que
objetiva relatar histórias de pessoas com deficiência que escolheram algum
movimento artístico, seja ele o teatro, o balé, a música e tantas outras
possibilidades, como parte da transformação individual de cada um. Por meio
de entrevistas e observação, foram retratadas as histórias de pessoas das
vivências mais diversas e seus encontros, motivos e realizações com a arte e
por meio dela. Para a construção da peça, foram utilizados os autores Barry
Hampe e Bill Nichols para falar de documentário e a autora e jornalista
brasileira Cremilda Medina para abordar métodos de entrevista e jornalismo
humanizado. O documentário é o modelo jornalístico capaz de retratar as
histórias muito além dos relatos, mas mostrar por imagens as pequenas
significâncias que a arte pode dar, trazendo expressões e o rosto de quem
conta a história. O processo me levou para ensaios e aulas onde pude
observar os personagens se relacionando diretamente com a arte e após isso,
entrevistá-los, para que contassem sobre toda a relação com a arte. O
resultado final é um conjunto de histórias de pessoas com algum tipo de
deficiência e também de profissionais da área que tiveram suas vidas, de
alguma forma, modificadas pela arte.
Eu sou a arte is a documentary which focus on the humanitarian journalism that aims to tell the stories of disabled people who chose some kind of art such as theater, ballet, music and many other as a way to transform their individual lives. We portrayed the stories of people from different walks of life, their motives, achievements and encounters with art through interviews and observation. To build this piece, researches were based in the authors Barry Hampe and Bill Nichols to talk about documentaries, and the Brazilian author and journalist Cremilda Medina to approach different methods of humanitarian journalism and interviews. The documentary is the most suitable journalistic tool to capture stories going beyond descriptions and instead showing, with images, the distinctive impacts that art can have by featuring the self-expression and the faces of those sharing their stories. The process took me to rehearsals and classes were I could watch the characters directly involved with art, and after that, I interviewed them so they could talk about their experiences with art. The final result is a series of stories of people with some kind of disability and also professionals from the area whose lives have changed, in any kind of way, because of art
Eu sou a arte is a documentary which focus on the humanitarian journalism that aims to tell the stories of disabled people who chose some kind of art such as theater, ballet, music and many other as a way to transform their individual lives. We portrayed the stories of people from different walks of life, their motives, achievements and encounters with art through interviews and observation. To build this piece, researches were based in the authors Barry Hampe and Bill Nichols to talk about documentaries, and the Brazilian author and journalist Cremilda Medina to approach different methods of humanitarian journalism and interviews. The documentary is the most suitable journalistic tool to capture stories going beyond descriptions and instead showing, with images, the distinctive impacts that art can have by featuring the self-expression and the faces of those sharing their stories. The process took me to rehearsals and classes were I could watch the characters directly involved with art, and after that, I interviewed them so they could talk about their experiences with art. The final result is a series of stories of people with some kind of disability and also professionals from the area whose lives have changed, in any kind of way, because of art
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documentário , jornalismo humanizado , arte , deficiência , documentary , humanized journalism , art , disabilities