Grande reportagem – o HIV na geração Y
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Moraes, Pedro Guilherme Silveira
Lopes, Marcelo
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A AIDS, (Síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida) (do inglês, Acquired
Immunodeficiency Syndrome) doença causada pelo vírus do HIV, (vírus da
imunodeficiência humana) permanece um grave problema de saúde com agravante
social público. Nas últimas quatro décadas, a doença elevou o preconceito, causou
sequelas físicas e emocionais e provocou altos índices de mortalidade ao redor do
mundo. Estimativas apontam que existe mais de 36,9 milhões de pessoas
portadoras no mundo segundo a Organização das Nações Unidas. No Brasil, de
acordo com o Boletim Epidemiológico de 2018, mais recente do Ministério da Saúde,
pessoas entre 25 e 29 anos estão entre as mais infectadas. O público jovem adulto
proveniente da geração Y se destaca entre o maior número de contágios nas últimos
anos no Brasil. O presente relatório é de natureza descritiva e tem por objetivo
compreender o processo de humanização no jornalismo que culminou em uma
grande reportagem com o foco no público jovem brasileiro diagnosticado com o vírus
da Aids e as suas consequências. Por meio do estudo das técnicas e da leitura
sobre a humanização jornalística e o caráter humano emocional, a realização desse
projeto de TCC buscou trazer um outro lado sobre o que é ser um jovem
diagnosticado com o vírus do HIV nos dias de hoje.
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is disease caused by the HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus) that remains a serious health problem with public social aggravation for the past four decades, which keeps elevating prejudice, physical and emotional sequelae and high mortality rates across the world. Estimates indicate that there are more than 36.9 million people in the world according to the United Nations. In Brazil, according to the most recent Epidemiological Bulletin of the Ministry of Health, people between 25 and 29 years are among the most infected. Young adult audiences from generation Y stand out among the highest number of infections in recent years. This term paper is descriptive in nature and aims to understand the humanization process in journalism that culminates in a large report focusing on the young Brazilian public diagnosed with AIDS virus and its consequences. Through the study of techniques and reading about journalistic humanization and emotional human character, the realization of this undergraduate thesis brings another side to who is a young person diagnosed with HIV today.
AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is disease caused by the HIV virus (human immunodeficiency virus) that remains a serious health problem with public social aggravation for the past four decades, which keeps elevating prejudice, physical and emotional sequelae and high mortality rates across the world. Estimates indicate that there are more than 36.9 million people in the world according to the United Nations. In Brazil, according to the most recent Epidemiological Bulletin of the Ministry of Health, people between 25 and 29 years are among the most infected. Young adult audiences from generation Y stand out among the highest number of infections in recent years. This term paper is descriptive in nature and aims to understand the humanization process in journalism that culminates in a large report focusing on the young Brazilian public diagnosed with AIDS virus and its consequences. Through the study of techniques and reading about journalistic humanization and emotional human character, the realization of this undergraduate thesis brings another side to who is a young person diagnosed with HIV today.
jornalismo humanizado , HIV , saúde sexual , jovens , humanized journalism , HIV , sexual health , young adults