O que elas querem é poder: a moda como discurso de afirmação
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Bellinati, Raphaela
Moraes, Mirtes de
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Esse trabalho irá analisar a forma como as mulheres se vestem a partir de suas
vivências, círculo social, aspectos políticos e, principalmente, como elas querem que
o mundo as identifique. As vestimentas deixaram de ser apenas algo que usamos para
nos esquentar do frio. As roupas, hoje em dia, estão em um cenário de efervescência,
onde tudo é possível. Sendo assim, então, é parte desse artigo entender porque as
pessoas usam ou deixam de usar certas peças e combinam outras com um
determinado tipo de sapato, acessório e, até mesmo, um penteado. Nos tempos
modernos, pode ser difícil achar algo para se identificar, isso porque vivemos cercados
de estímulos e padrões sociais que nos colocam em um lugar de como ser e como
agir. Desde o modo como se portar e se vestir, a sociedade quer estabelecer uma
linha de pensamento igual. Isso serve para mulheres e homens, pois todos são
forçados a agir de acordo com uma regra de etiqueta que não necessariamente é algo
com o qual aquela pessoa se identifica. Por isso decidi realizar uma websérie com
personagens que fujam do padrão determinado e o que sempre vemos nos comerciais
e capas de revistas. A proposta foi de ir além do que sempre mostram e trazer para
frente das câmeras personagens novos, com corpos, estilos, cabelos, tons de pele,
formas e jeitos, onde um maior leque de pessoas possa se sentir identificado. De que
forma as mulheres estão abrindo seu caminho para o destaque, saindo das sombras?
Exibindo mais o corpo com tatuagens? A ideia da websérie é justamente mostrar o
lado dessas pessoas e o que elas estão fazendo para serem vistas além de
This paper will analyze how women dress from their experiences, social circle, political aspects, and especially how they want the world to identify them. Clothing is no longer just something we wear to get cold. The clothes, today, are in a scenario of effervescence, where anything is possible. So then, it's part of this article to understand why people wear or stop wearing certain pieces and combine others with a particular type of shoe, accessory, and even a hairstyle. In modern times, it can be difficult to find anything to identify with, because we live surrounded by social stimuli and patterns that put us in a place of how to be and how to act. From the way you behave and dress, society wants to establish an equal line of thought. This is for women and men, because everyone is forced to act according to a rule of etiquette that is not necessarily something that person identifies with. So I decided to make a web series with characters that deviate from the given standard and what we always see in commercials and magazine covers. I want to go beyond what they always show and bring new characters to the camera, with bodies, styles, hair, skin tones, shapes and ways, where a wider range of people can feel identified. How are women making their way to the spotlight by stepping out of the shadows? Showing off more body with tattoos? The idea of the web series is precisely to show their side and what they are doing to be seen beyond stereotypes.
This paper will analyze how women dress from their experiences, social circle, political aspects, and especially how they want the world to identify them. Clothing is no longer just something we wear to get cold. The clothes, today, are in a scenario of effervescence, where anything is possible. So then, it's part of this article to understand why people wear or stop wearing certain pieces and combine others with a particular type of shoe, accessory, and even a hairstyle. In modern times, it can be difficult to find anything to identify with, because we live surrounded by social stimuli and patterns that put us in a place of how to be and how to act. From the way you behave and dress, society wants to establish an equal line of thought. This is for women and men, because everyone is forced to act according to a rule of etiquette that is not necessarily something that person identifies with. So I decided to make a web series with characters that deviate from the given standard and what we always see in commercials and magazine covers. I want to go beyond what they always show and bring new characters to the camera, with bodies, styles, hair, skin tones, shapes and ways, where a wider range of people can feel identified. How are women making their way to the spotlight by stepping out of the shadows? Showing off more body with tattoos? The idea of the web series is precisely to show their side and what they are doing to be seen beyond stereotypes.
Acesso online;
Episódio 1 – A moda e o jornalismo - https://youtu.be/vAReFkp3Cug
Episódio 2 – Elxs também querem poder - https://youtu.be/ET-ZBH1NDS8
Episódio 3 – Minha pele também é roupa - https://youtu.be/Vgcj3gDd_js
Episódio 4 – Da África para o mundo - https://youtu.be/0EMKipu8jJY
Episódio 5 – Somos todas especiais - https://youtu.be/C7pS7iJoR0U
Playlist como todos os vídeos -
moda , quebra de padrões , afirmação , discurso , fashion , pattern breaking , affirmation , speech