Guerreiras de fé: as mães dos presídios de São Paulo
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Custódio, Beatriz de Aquino
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Esta pesquisa dá base ao livro-reportagem Guerreiras de Fé: as mães dos
presídios de São Paulo, cujo principal objetivo é retratar a vida de mães de
detentos por meio do jornalismo literário humanizado. As características deste
tipo de formato foram utilizadas para narrar os sentimentos e histórias dessas
mulheres, tanto dentro das unidades prisionais quanto no dia a dia. No livro, há
quatro personagens principais: Tatiana, mãe de Rafael e Tiago; Marcia, mãe de
Rodrigo; Suely, mãe de Lucas; e Fernanda, mãe de Bárbara e Wesley. Todos os
filhos citados tiveram passagem pelo sistema penitenciário. Ao longo dos 10
capítulos que compõe o produto, as emoções das genitoras são destrinchadas
em meio a suas vivências, expectativas e dificuldades. Para fundamentar a
pesquisa, foram realizadas consultas em artigos, que ajudaram na compreensão
sobre o sistema penitenciário e sobre a estrutura da sociedade na qual estamos
inseridos. Dessa forma, foi possível entender que a culpa carregada pelas mães
de detentos tem também um caráter cultural, uma vez que a responsabilidade
pelo sucesso dos filhos é colocada em suas costas. Isso explica o porquê de
tanto preconceito e estigma, cuja existência é reforçada pelas mulheres
entrevistadas que vivem tal realidade. Sites oficiais, como o da Secretaria de
Administração Penitenciária, e Lei de Acesso à Informação também foram
utilizados para obtenção de dados. Além das entrevistas, foram realizadas
algumas fotos, que ajudam na compreensão e identificação dos personagens
que as permitiram.
This research bases the book report Guerreiras de Fé: as mães dos presídios de São Paulo, whose main objective is to portray the lives of prisoners' mothers through humanized Literary Journalism. The characteristics of this type of book were used to narrate the feelings and stories of these women, both inside the prison units and in their daily lives. In the book there are four main characters: Tatiana, mother of Rafael and Tiago; Marcia, Rodrigo's mother; Suely, Lucas's mother; and Fernanda, mother of Barbara and Wesley. All of the mentioned sons had been in the jail. Throughout the 10 chapters of the book, the mothers' emotions are unraveled so as their experiences, expectations and difficulties. To base the research, articles were consulted, which helped to understand the penitentiary system and the structure of society in which we live. Thus, it was possible to understand that the guilt carried by these mothers has also a cultural explanation, since the responsibility for the success of their children is placed on their backs. This explains why there is so much prejudice and stigma, whose existence is reinforced by the interviewed women who live such reality. Official sites, such as the Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária, and Lei de Acesso à Informação were also used to obtain data. In addition to the interviews, some pictures were taken, which help to understand and identify the characters who allowed them.
This research bases the book report Guerreiras de Fé: as mães dos presídios de São Paulo, whose main objective is to portray the lives of prisoners' mothers through humanized Literary Journalism. The characteristics of this type of book were used to narrate the feelings and stories of these women, both inside the prison units and in their daily lives. In the book there are four main characters: Tatiana, mother of Rafael and Tiago; Marcia, Rodrigo's mother; Suely, Lucas's mother; and Fernanda, mother of Barbara and Wesley. All of the mentioned sons had been in the jail. Throughout the 10 chapters of the book, the mothers' emotions are unraveled so as their experiences, expectations and difficulties. To base the research, articles were consulted, which helped to understand the penitentiary system and the structure of society in which we live. Thus, it was possible to understand that the guilt carried by these mothers has also a cultural explanation, since the responsibility for the success of their children is placed on their backs. This explains why there is so much prejudice and stigma, whose existence is reinforced by the interviewed women who live such reality. Official sites, such as the Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária, and Lei de Acesso à Informação were also used to obtain data. In addition to the interviews, some pictures were taken, which help to understand and identify the characters who allowed them.
jornalismo , livro-reportagem , humanização , mães , journalism , book report , humanization , mothers