Múspelheim: a influência da mitologia nórdica na cultura contemporânea de São Paulo
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Amicis, Fernando Buchignani de
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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Este trabalho busca apresentar de que maneira a influência da mitologia e cultura
nórdica está presente nos dias de hoje na cidade de São Paulo. Durante o filme, é
mostrado para o expectador de que forma tal influência se apresenta, como no cenário
artístico, e em empreendimentos voltados para apreciadores de tal cultura, sempre
fazendo um paralelo com contos dos povos da época. O método utilizado foi o
explicativo e a abordagem de pesquisa foi a qualitativa, feita por meio de entrevistas
com pessoas ligadas à temática, como artistas, empreendedores do setor e
aficionados. Concluindo, é apresentada e explicada a cultura nórdica e sua influência
em São Paulo. São abordados trechos da mitologia, conforme é contado no livro Edda
em Prosa, uma das mais ricas fontes para o conhecimento da mitologia dos povos
This paper presents how the influence of Nordic mythology and culture is present today in the city of São Paulo. During the film, is shown to the viewer how this influence is present, as in the artistic scenario, and in enterprises aimed at lovers of such culture, always making a parallel with tales of the people who lived in that age. The method used is the explanatory and the research approach are the qualitative, made through interviews with people related to the theme, such as artists, entrepreneurs and fans of such culture. In conclusion, the Nordic culture and its influence in São Paulo is presented and explained. Excerpts from mythology will be addressed, as told in the book Edda in Prose, one of the richest sources for knowledge of the mythology of the Nordic peoples.
This paper presents how the influence of Nordic mythology and culture is present today in the city of São Paulo. During the film, is shown to the viewer how this influence is present, as in the artistic scenario, and in enterprises aimed at lovers of such culture, always making a parallel with tales of the people who lived in that age. The method used is the explanatory and the research approach are the qualitative, made through interviews with people related to the theme, such as artists, entrepreneurs and fans of such culture. In conclusion, the Nordic culture and its influence in São Paulo is presented and explained. Excerpts from mythology will be addressed, as told in the book Edda in Prose, one of the richest sources for knowledge of the mythology of the Nordic peoples.
Acesso online:
nórdicos , Brasil , cultura , documentário , jornalismo , nordic , Brazil , culture , documentary , journalism