Introdução da metodologia Lean Six Sigma focado em indústria de bebidas
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Aoki, Guilherme Hideki
Mestieri, Thiago Fonzar Hernandes
Mestieri, Thiago Fonzar Hernandes
Maestrelli, Nelson Carvalho
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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo de caso em uma indústria de pequeno porte, fabricante de bebidas destiladas de consumo popular. O programa corporativo utilizado neste estudo foi o Lean Six Sigma, que consiste na junção de dois programas de melhoria, sendo eles o Lean Manufacturing e o Six Sigma. Foram aplicadas na empresa, algumas das ferramentas que o programa visa, de forma sucinta, redução de tempos de processamento, redução da variabilidade e identificação de oportunidades de melhoria, sobre os processos-chave de produção e gestão. Dessa forma, os principais resultados obtidos neste trabalho, foram o mapeamento do processo produtivo usando VSM, a identificação de oportunidades de melhorias, o mapa de priorização das ações de melhoria, usando a ferramenta BASICO, e os mapas A3 dos planos de ação priorizados.
This work presents a case study in a small industry, manufacturer of popular consumption distilled beverages. The corporate program used in this study was Lean Six Sigma, which consists of the combination of two improvement programs, Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. Some of the tools used in the company, succinctly, with the goals to reduce processing and variability, and identifying opportunities for improvement on key production and management processes. Thus, the main results obtained in this work were the mapping of the production process using VSM, the identification of improvement opportunities, the prioritization map of the improvement actions, using the BASICO tool, and the A3 maps of the prioritized action plans.
This work presents a case study in a small industry, manufacturer of popular consumption distilled beverages. The corporate program used in this study was Lean Six Sigma, which consists of the combination of two improvement programs, Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma. Some of the tools used in the company, succinctly, with the goals to reduce processing and variability, and identifying opportunities for improvement on key production and management processes. Thus, the main results obtained in this work were the mapping of the production process using VSM, the identification of improvement opportunities, the prioritization map of the improvement actions, using the BASICO tool, and the A3 maps of the prioritized action plans.
LEAN - SIX - SIGMA , indicadores de desempenho , perdas , oportunidades de melhoria , performance indicators , losses , improvement opportunities