Seleção e desenvolvimento de fornecedores no Setor automotivo por meio de métodos multicritérios
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Roldão, João Ricardo NG
Astur, Natália de Queluz
Santiago, Nathalia Camargo
Astur, Natália de Queluz
Santiago, Nathalia Camargo
Oliveira, Maria Célia de
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Diante dos crescentes desafios impostos pelo mercado, as empresas têm enfrentado ambientes cada
vez mais complexos, sobretudo no setor automotivo, que requer um alto nível de qualidade, alta
produtividade e melhoria contínua. Desta forma, torna-se imprescindível aprimorar processos
internos visando ganhar vantagem competitiva. As Normas como a ISO 9001:2015 e a IATF 16949:
2016 foram criadas para garantir qualidade, segurança e eficiência dos processos. Para atender aos
requisitos destas normas, a seleção e desenvolvimento de fornecedores vem ganhando notoriedade,
uma vez que eles impactam em diversos aspectos do produto. Diante deste cenário, este estudo tem
como objetivo propor uma sistemática para selecionar, avaliar e desenvolver fornecedores em uma
empresa do setor automotivo, atendendo aos requisitos da norma IATF 16949: 2016, em um contexto
de sistema de gestão integrada. O procedimento metodológico adotado foi o estudo de caso,
desenvolvido em uma empresa do ramo de autopeças, classificada como multinacional que atua como
fornecedora para montadoras e possui em sua cadeia possui fornecedores nacionais e internacionais
de todos os portes. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevistas com a empresa, e a análise dos
dados foi desenvolvida a partir da comparação entre resultados obtidos por meio da metodologia proposta pela empresa e os resultados utilizando métodos multicritério.. Os resultados do estudo
mostraram que o método utilizado atualmente pela empresa apresentou resultado similar à quando
utilizado método AHP, porém com menos discernimento entre o grau de relevância dos fornecedores.
Faced with the growing challenges imposed by the market, companies have faced increasingly complex environments, especially in the automotive sector, which requires a high level of quality, high productivity and continuous improvement. Thus, it is essential to improve internal processes in order to gain a competitive advantage. Standards norms such as ISO 9001: 2015 and IATF 16949: 2016 were created to guarantee quality, safety and efficiency of processes. To meet the requirements of the standards, the selection and development of suppliers has gained notoriety, since they impact on several aspects of the product. Given this scenario, this study aims to propose a systematic to select, evaluate and develop suppliers in a company in the automotive sector, meeting the requirements of IATF 16949: 2016 standard norm, in the context of an Integrated Management System. The methodological procedure adopted was case study, developed in a company in the auto parts business, classified as a multinational that acts as a supplier to automakers and has in its chain national and international suppliers of all sizes. The data were collected through interviews with the company, and the data analysis was developed by comparing the results obtained through the methodology proposed by the company and the results using the multicriteria method. Study’s results showed that the currently method used by the company is similar to the result using AHP method, but with less discernment between the degree of relevance of the suppliers.
Faced with the growing challenges imposed by the market, companies have faced increasingly complex environments, especially in the automotive sector, which requires a high level of quality, high productivity and continuous improvement. Thus, it is essential to improve internal processes in order to gain a competitive advantage. Standards norms such as ISO 9001: 2015 and IATF 16949: 2016 were created to guarantee quality, safety and efficiency of processes. To meet the requirements of the standards, the selection and development of suppliers has gained notoriety, since they impact on several aspects of the product. Given this scenario, this study aims to propose a systematic to select, evaluate and develop suppliers in a company in the automotive sector, meeting the requirements of IATF 16949: 2016 standard norm, in the context of an Integrated Management System. The methodological procedure adopted was case study, developed in a company in the auto parts business, classified as a multinational that acts as a supplier to automakers and has in its chain national and international suppliers of all sizes. The data were collected through interviews with the company, and the data analysis was developed by comparing the results obtained through the methodology proposed by the company and the results using the multicriteria method. Study’s results showed that the currently method used by the company is similar to the result using AHP method, but with less discernment between the degree of relevance of the suppliers.
seleção de fornecedores , métodos multicritérios , analytic hierarchy process (AHP) , sistema de gestão integrada (SGI) , setor automotivo , supplier selection , multicriteria methods , integrated , management system , automotive industry