A relação afetiva entre empregadas domésticas e as crianças de que elas cuidam
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Tokunaga, Roberta Oliveira
Thomaz, Daniel de
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O Brasil é o país com a maior população de empregadas domésticas do mundo, tendo
7,2 milhões de trabalhadoras, segundo dados da Organização Internacional do Trabalho
(OIT). Conforme as mulheres conquistaram maior espaço no mercado de trabalho,
passaram a ter menos tempo para ficar em casa e optaram pela contratação de alguém
que pudesse cuidar de seu lar e de seus filhos. Haja vista o tempo que as empregadas e
as crianças passam juntas e os cuidados que a babá tem com elas, nasce a relação
afetiva entre a empregada doméstica e as crianças de que elas cuidam. Assim como no
período escravocrata as amas de leite deixavam de amamentar seus próprios filhos para
darem de mamar aos bebês de suas senhoras, atualmente as empregadas deixam seus
filhos para cuidar das crianças das patroas. Sendo assim, o objetivo deste trabalho é
refletir sobre a maneira como crianças podem se envolver de maneira tão intensa com a
babá, tanto quanto com um familiar, e verificar como o jornalismo pode contribuir com
isso. Além da realização de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental acerca do tema, foram
entrevistadas quatro trabalhadoras e as crianças e jovens dos quais elas cuidam até hoje,
que contaram sobre suas vidas pessoais, acadêmicas e profissionais. Os resultados dos
estudos apontaram que laços sanguíneos não são obrigatoriamente necessários para a
criação de relações afetivas entre crianças e outras pessoas fora do círculo familiar.
Brazil is the country with the largest population of domestic workers in the world, with 7.2 million workers, according to data from the International Labour Organization (ILO). As women gained more space in the job market, they had less time to stay at home and opted to hire someone who could take care of their home and their children. By the time that the maids and the children spend together and care with them, the affective relationship between the maid and the children they care for is born. Just as during the slavery period the wet nurses stopped breastfeeding their own children to breastfeed their womans’ babies, nowadays the maids leave their children to care for their boss’ children. The objective of this work is to reflect on how children can become as involved with the nanny as a family member and to explain how journalism can contribute to this. In addition of bibliographical and documentary research on the subject, four women workers and the children they have been caring about to date have been interviewed about their personal, academic and professional lives. The results of the studies pointed out that blood ties are not necessary for the creation of affective relationships between children and other people outside the family.
Brazil is the country with the largest population of domestic workers in the world, with 7.2 million workers, according to data from the International Labour Organization (ILO). As women gained more space in the job market, they had less time to stay at home and opted to hire someone who could take care of their home and their children. By the time that the maids and the children spend together and care with them, the affective relationship between the maid and the children they care for is born. Just as during the slavery period the wet nurses stopped breastfeeding their own children to breastfeed their womans’ babies, nowadays the maids leave their children to care for their boss’ children. The objective of this work is to reflect on how children can become as involved with the nanny as a family member and to explain how journalism can contribute to this. In addition of bibliographical and documentary research on the subject, four women workers and the children they have been caring about to date have been interviewed about their personal, academic and professional lives. The results of the studies pointed out that blood ties are not necessary for the creation of affective relationships between children and other people outside the family.
empregadas domésticas , crianças , relação afetiva , laço sanguíneo , maids , children , affective relationship , blood tie