Pós-verdade, fake news e as eleições presidenciais de 2018 no Brasil
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Quintino, João Augusto Rodriguez
Detoni, Márcia
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O presente trabalho pretende explorar as nuances multidisciplinares
da pós-verdade e como elas abriram espaço para a proliferação em massa
de desinformação e teorias da conspiração no Brasil durante as eleições
para a Presidência da República em 2018.
Esta monografia se dispõe, por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica
expositiva, entender as características principais da pós-verdade do Brexit e
do trumpismo e aplicá-los à realidade brasileira e ao pleito presidencial de
2018. Também tem como objetivo compreender os porquês psicossociais,
históricos, políticos e tecnológicos por trás do compartilhamento de fake
news e apontar estratégias para a melhor atuação da mídia e um melhor
entendimento das origens e manifestações de ideologias em períodos de
crise. A prioridade passa ser a construção de um debate limpo e um
afastamento das conspirações em todos os espectros, que somente pregam
dogma aos convertidos e indiferença (ou violência) aos opositores, além de
não apontar soluções ou políticas públicas eficientes.
The present work intends to explore the multidisciplinary nuances of post-truth and how they made room for mass proliferation of disinformation and conspiracy theories in Brazil during the elections for the Presidency of the Republic in 2018. This monograph is available, through a bibliographic research expository, understand the main characteristics of the post-truth of Brexit and of trumpism and apply them to the Brazilian reality and to the presidential election of 2018. It also aims to understand the psychosocial whys, historical, political and technological behind fake sharing news and point out strategies for the best performance of the media and a better understanding of the origins and manifestations of ideologies in periods of crisis. The priority becomes the construction of a clean debate and a away from conspiracies across all spectrums, which only preach dogma to converts and indifference (or violence) to opponents, in addition to not point out solutions or efficient public policies.
The present work intends to explore the multidisciplinary nuances of post-truth and how they made room for mass proliferation of disinformation and conspiracy theories in Brazil during the elections for the Presidency of the Republic in 2018. This monograph is available, through a bibliographic research expository, understand the main characteristics of the post-truth of Brexit and of trumpism and apply them to the Brazilian reality and to the presidential election of 2018. It also aims to understand the psychosocial whys, historical, political and technological behind fake sharing news and point out strategies for the best performance of the media and a better understanding of the origins and manifestations of ideologies in periods of crisis. The priority becomes the construction of a clean debate and a away from conspiracies across all spectrums, which only preach dogma to converts and indifference (or violence) to opponents, in addition to not point out solutions or efficient public policies.
pós-verdade , fake news , jornalismo , conspirações , eleições , Brasil , 2018 , post-truth , fake news , journalism , conspiracies , elections , Brazil , 2018