Sangue e espetáculo: o discurso sobre a homossexualidade no jornalismo brasileiro sob perspectiva historiográfica
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Pereira, Victor Melo
Abiorana, Dângela Nunes
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A violência contra grupos e pessoas minorizados devido à própria identidade sexual
ou de gênero encontra, em diversos contextos sociais, históricos, políticos e
culturais, embasamentos discursivos que justificam as ações dos agressores. Além
disso, opera de modo a silenciar quaisquer tentativas de expressão ou manifestação
que contradiga esse sistema oferecido como única representação e performance
aceitável dos modelos sociais. Esse conjunto de correlações de produção e
reprodução de uma determinada visão da realidade como única versão apreensível
corresponde a projetos e intenções políticas desenhadas há séculos, impostas por
meio de batalhas as quais reverberam ainda no século XXI nas diferentes formas
das pessoas se relacionarem entre si. Desta forma, esta pesquisa objetiva elucidar
acerca dos contextos em que essas relações se estabeleceram de modo a produzir
discursos que justificam o poder imposto em termos de identidade sexual e de
gênero, com foco na produção dos discursos sobre a homossexualidade. Em
seguida, analisa-se, por meio de jornais com relevância em diferentes períodos
histórico-políticos do século XX no Brasil, as transformações ocorridas nessa
significação. A pesquisa considera os discursos do texto jornalístico em relação a
contextos mais amplos, podendo servir de catalisador ou obstáculo aos discursos de
imposição do poder que decidem a significação das existências e a decisão de quem
deve deter ou ser impedido de reivindicar o poder de enunciação.
The violence against groups and people minorified due to sexual or gender identitity has, in different social, historical, political and cultural contexts, discursive basis which justify the acts of the aggressors. Besides that, this operates in order to silence any attempts of expression or manifestation which contradicts this system offered as only acceptable representation and performance of the social models. These correlations of production and reproduction of a determined vision of the reality as the only apprehensible version stands for political intentions and projects designed centuries ago, imposed by battles which reverberates until in the 21st century of different forms people relate to each other. Thus, this research aims to expose about the contexts which these relations were established in order to produce discourses which justify the power imposed on sexual and gender identity, focusing on the production of discourses about the homossexuality. Then, it’s analyzed, by means of journals with relevance in different historical-political of the 20th century in Brazil, the transformations which occurred in these meanings. The research considers the discourse of the journalistic texts in relation to broader contexts, in order to operate as a catalyzer or obstacle to the discourses of imposition of the power which decide the meaning of the existences and the decision of who must hold or be barred from claiming to the power of enunciation.
The violence against groups and people minorified due to sexual or gender identitity has, in different social, historical, political and cultural contexts, discursive basis which justify the acts of the aggressors. Besides that, this operates in order to silence any attempts of expression or manifestation which contradicts this system offered as only acceptable representation and performance of the social models. These correlations of production and reproduction of a determined vision of the reality as the only apprehensible version stands for political intentions and projects designed centuries ago, imposed by battles which reverberates until in the 21st century of different forms people relate to each other. Thus, this research aims to expose about the contexts which these relations were established in order to produce discourses which justify the power imposed on sexual and gender identity, focusing on the production of discourses about the homossexuality. Then, it’s analyzed, by means of journals with relevance in different historical-political of the 20th century in Brazil, the transformations which occurred in these meanings. The research considers the discourse of the journalistic texts in relation to broader contexts, in order to operate as a catalyzer or obstacle to the discourses of imposition of the power which decide the meaning of the existences and the decision of who must hold or be barred from claiming to the power of enunciation.
história do jornalismo , homossexualidade , história da homossexualidade , history of journalism , homossexuality , history of homossexuality