Narrativa digital: a importância da adaptação jornalística
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Dourado, Priscila Costa
Santos, Carlos Eduardo Sandano
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Esta pesquisa investigou a adaptação da prática jornalística ao ambiente virtual. Dividida
entre indagações sobre como a comunicação contemporânea ocorria no ciberespaço e como as
narrativas jornalísticas adquiriam outras formas de expressão e de entendimento, este estudo
questionou como as empresas de comunicação lidavam com os desafios da internet e com a
crise do modelo de negócio do Jornalismo. Complementadas por estudos de caso, as reflexões
teóricas de cada um dos três capítulos incidiram sobre vários questionamentos. Na primeira
reflexão, baseada no estudo do Grupo Abril, falou-se sobre as novas configurações da
comunicação na Era Contemporânea, do impacto negativo da inflexibilidade diante do
ciberespaço e da perda de valores essenciais à profissão. Na segunda análise, da reportagem
Sozinhas – do Diário Catarinense, abordou-se quais são as características de uma narrativa no
meio digital e como as demandas do virtual se confundiam com a de outros meios, apesar da
experimentação narrativa chamar a atenção dos veículos jornalísticos. O último estudo do
jornal The New York Times, tratou de uma reflexão sobre o veículo, mas também reuniu todas
as discussões sobre essas transformações e a forma como determinadas organizações
jornalísticas compreendiam o potencial do ciberespaço.
This research investigated the adaptation of journalistic practice to the virtual environment. Divided between inquiries about how contemporary communication occurred in cyberspace and how journalistic narratives acquired other forms of expression and understanding, this study questioned how media companies dealt with the challenges of the internet and the crisis of the business model of journalism. Complemented by case studies, the theoretical reflections of each of the three chapters focused on several questions. In the first reflection, based on the Abril Group study, the new configurations of communication in the Contemporary Era were discussed, the negative impact of inflexibility in the face of cyberspace and the loss of values essential to the profession. In the second analysis, from the Sozinhas– of the Diário Catarinense report, we approached the characteristics of a narrative in the digital environment and how the demands of the virtual were confused with that of other media, despite the narrative experimentation to attract the attention of journalistic vehicles. The latest study in The New York Times focused on thinking about the vehicle, but it also brought together all the discussions about these transformations and how certain news organizations understood the potential of cyberspace.
This research investigated the adaptation of journalistic practice to the virtual environment. Divided between inquiries about how contemporary communication occurred in cyberspace and how journalistic narratives acquired other forms of expression and understanding, this study questioned how media companies dealt with the challenges of the internet and the crisis of the business model of journalism. Complemented by case studies, the theoretical reflections of each of the three chapters focused on several questions. In the first reflection, based on the Abril Group study, the new configurations of communication in the Contemporary Era were discussed, the negative impact of inflexibility in the face of cyberspace and the loss of values essential to the profession. In the second analysis, from the Sozinhas– of the Diário Catarinense report, we approached the characteristics of a narrative in the digital environment and how the demands of the virtual were confused with that of other media, despite the narrative experimentation to attract the attention of journalistic vehicles. The latest study in The New York Times focused on thinking about the vehicle, but it also brought together all the discussions about these transformations and how certain news organizations understood the potential of cyberspace.
jornalismo , contemporaneidade , ciberespaço , narrativas , journalism , contemporaneity , cyberspace , narratives