Cova de Pedro: as práticas devocionais e o processo de criação de um santo popular
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Prates, Peterson
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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A Cova de Pedro, devoção popular do sudoeste da Bahia, é uma prática de fé
suscitada pela comunidade local e que hoje, por pura divulgação oral, ganha mais
adesão. Construída sob o mito do assassinato do vaqueiro Pedro Afonso do
Nascimento, a história acumula diversas versões, sejam de início ou de desfecho. O
mito tem como momento de ápice a manifestação religiosa, em forma de romaria, até
o local do enterro de Pedro, todo 29 de junho, festa de São Pedro Apóstolo. Nesse
dia, milhares de pessoas se amontoam em um espaço sem nenhuma estrutura para
suas práticas de fé e devoção. O jornalismo audiovisual vem explorar um vácuo na
produção sobre a devoção. Nunca antes a comunidade local teve a oportunidade de
assistir sobre o mito que fomentam, escutando as diversas versões da história.
The Cova de Pedro, a popular devotion from southwest Bahia, is a practice of faith raised by the local community that, nowadays, through solely oral propagation, has gained more support. Based on the myth of the murder of cowboy Pedro Afonso do Nascimento, its story accumulates several versions, from its begging to its end. This myth has as its climax the religious expression, in the form of pilgrimages to the place Pedro was burried, every year on June 29th, at Saint Peter the Apostle party. On that day, thousands of people crowd into a space with no structure for their practices of faith and devotion. The audiovisual journalism came to explore this gap on productions about devotion. Never before has the local community had the opportunity to watch over the myth they put forward, or listen to the various versions of this story.
The Cova de Pedro, a popular devotion from southwest Bahia, is a practice of faith raised by the local community that, nowadays, through solely oral propagation, has gained more support. Based on the myth of the murder of cowboy Pedro Afonso do Nascimento, its story accumulates several versions, from its begging to its end. This myth has as its climax the religious expression, in the form of pilgrimages to the place Pedro was burried, every year on June 29th, at Saint Peter the Apostle party. On that day, thousands of people crowd into a space with no structure for their practices of faith and devotion. The audiovisual journalism came to explore this gap on productions about devotion. Never before has the local community had the opportunity to watch over the myth they put forward, or listen to the various versions of this story.
Acesso online:
cova de Pedro , devoção , mito , jornalismo , cova de Pedro , devotion , myth , journalism