Quem sou eu – a moda como expressão: relatório da realização de um podcast sobre a formação da identidade de minorias com base nas tendências da moda
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Santos, Maria Mariana Amaro dos
Harris, Hugo de Almeida
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Membros da banca
Este relatório consta da pesquisa teórica e o desenvolvimento de um podcast
acerca da criação de identidade de membros de minorias com base na moda
atual. O trabalho se baseou em bibliografias, como Barbosa (2015), Crane
(2013), Hall (1992) e Feghali (2008), que auxiliaram no processo de apuração do
conteúdo e na produção da peça. Assim, a pergunta “por meio de um podcast, é
possível ilustrar como se dá a influência das tendências da moda vigente no
processo de construção da identidade de grupos em desvantagem social?” foi
formulada e usada como direcionamento do trabalho. Se vestir é uma
necessidade diária; nas roupas, são manifestadas a personalidade e os gostos
do indivíduo, o que pode ou não coincidir com um grupo social. Para quem está
em desvantagem na sociedade – como efeito, aqueles ignorados pela grande
indústria –, é necessário se reinventar com os recursos disponíveis para mostrar
quem são. O podcast contou com a participação de pessoas pertencentes a esse
tipo de grupo e, a partir de falas acerca de suas vivências, o “Quem sou eu – A
moda como expressão” foi construído. Para seu desenvolvimento, a bagagem
oferecida pelo curso de jornalismo foi fundamental, utilizada desde a primeira
abordagem com a fonte, a maneira de se portar com empatia e respeito e o
processo de roteirização e edição. Portanto, resulta-se em um produto
jornalístico em um campo recém popularizado, para tratar o combate à
desigualdade no meio cultural.
This report consists of theoretical research and the development of a podcast about the identity creation of members of minorities based on the current fashion trends. The work was based on bibliographies, such as Barbosa (2015), Crane (2013), Hall (1992), and Feghali (2008), which helped in the process of determining the content and production of the piece. Thus, the question “through a podcast, is it possible to illustrate how current fashion trends influence the identity construction process of socially disadvantaged groups?” was formulated and used to guide the work. Getting dressed is a daily necessity; in clothes, the personality and tastes of the individual are manifested, which may or may not coincide with a social group. For those who are at a disadvantage in society – in effect, those ignored by large industry – it is necessary to reinvent themselves with the resources available to show who they are. The podcast had the participation of people belonging to this type of group and based on speeches about their experiences, the “Who am I – Fashion as an expression” was built. For its development, the background offered by the journalism course was fundamental, used from the first approach with the source, the way of behaving with empathy and respect, and the scripting and editing process. Therefore, it results in a journalistic product in a newly popularized field, to address the fight against inequality in the cultural environment.
This report consists of theoretical research and the development of a podcast about the identity creation of members of minorities based on the current fashion trends. The work was based on bibliographies, such as Barbosa (2015), Crane (2013), Hall (1992), and Feghali (2008), which helped in the process of determining the content and production of the piece. Thus, the question “through a podcast, is it possible to illustrate how current fashion trends influence the identity construction process of socially disadvantaged groups?” was formulated and used to guide the work. Getting dressed is a daily necessity; in clothes, the personality and tastes of the individual are manifested, which may or may not coincide with a social group. For those who are at a disadvantage in society – in effect, those ignored by large industry – it is necessary to reinvent themselves with the resources available to show who they are. The podcast had the participation of people belonging to this type of group and based on speeches about their experiences, the “Who am I – Fashion as an expression” was built. For its development, the background offered by the journalism course was fundamental, used from the first approach with the source, the way of behaving with empathy and respect, and the scripting and editing process. Therefore, it results in a journalistic product in a newly popularized field, to address the fight against inequality in the cultural environment.
Acesso online;
moda , identidade , podcast , jornalismo , fashion , identity , podcast , jornalism