A pauta é saúde: relatório de realização de um podcast sobre doulagem e seu impacto na vida de gestantes e recém-nascidos
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Aranda, Isabela Ferreira
Harris, Hugo de Almeida
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Este relatório descreve o desenvolvimento de um podcast jornalístico, o qual aborda
de maneira humanizada, no episódio piloto, o papel das doulas na vida das gestantes
brasileiras e dos recém-nascidos. Com o objetivo de construir uma narrativa composta
por diferentes experiências e posicionamentos das fontes entrevistadas, a peça é
composta por uma série de diálogos com uma doula, duas mães e duas profissionais
da saúde. Dessa forma, a peça expõe uma perspectiva plural do tema escolhido. Para
a realização desse produto, foi necessário realizar o estudo bibliográfico sobre o
conceito da doulagem e o seu impacto na vida das gestantes e dos recém-nascidos.
Ademais, a análise sobre o funcionamento do podcast como produto jornalístico e a
abordagem humanizada no jornalismo também foram fundamentais no
desenvolvimento teórico. A fim de melhor compreender as temáticas citadas, os
principais autores utilizados foram: Alexandre André Santos Pereira, Jean Carlos da
Silva Monteiro, Jorge Kanehide Ijuim, Marisa Antonini Ribeiro Bastos, Maíra Libertad
Soligo Takemoto e Míriam Rêgo de Castro Leão. Além disso, o relatório apresenta
toda a elaboração do produto, desde a concepção do tema até o seguimento final.
Mediante os diálogos inseridos, constatou-se que o podcast conseguiu ampliar, a
partir das técnicas jornalísticas, o leque de informações sobre a realidade da
maternidade brasileira.
This report describes the development of a journalistic podcast, which in a humanized way addresses, in the pilot episode, the role of doulas in the lives of Brazilian pregnant women and newborns. Aiming to build a narrative composed of different experiences and positions of the interviewed sources, the play is composed of a series of dialogues with a doula, two mothers and two health professionals. In this way, the piece exposes a plural perspective of the chosen theme. For the realization of this product, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographic study on the concept of douling and its impact on the lives of pregnant women and newborns. Furthermore, the analysis of the functioning of the podcast as a journalistic product and the humanized approach in journalism were also fundamental in theoretical development. In order to better understand the themes mentioned, the main authors used were Alexandre André Santos Pereira, Jean Carlos da Silva Monteiro, Jorge Kanehide Ijuim, Marisa Antonini Ribeiro Bastos, Maíra Libertad Soligo Takemoto and Míriam Rêgo de Castro Leão. In addition, the report presents the entire elaboration of the product, from the concept of the theme to the final follow-up. Through the inserted dialogues, it was found that the podcast managed to expand, from journalistic techniques, the range of information about the reality of Brazilian motherhood.
This report describes the development of a journalistic podcast, which in a humanized way addresses, in the pilot episode, the role of doulas in the lives of Brazilian pregnant women and newborns. Aiming to build a narrative composed of different experiences and positions of the interviewed sources, the play is composed of a series of dialogues with a doula, two mothers and two health professionals. In this way, the piece exposes a plural perspective of the chosen theme. For the realization of this product, it was necessary to carry out a bibliographic study on the concept of douling and its impact on the lives of pregnant women and newborns. Furthermore, the analysis of the functioning of the podcast as a journalistic product and the humanized approach in journalism were also fundamental in theoretical development. In order to better understand the themes mentioned, the main authors used were Alexandre André Santos Pereira, Jean Carlos da Silva Monteiro, Jorge Kanehide Ijuim, Marisa Antonini Ribeiro Bastos, Maíra Libertad Soligo Takemoto and Míriam Rêgo de Castro Leão. In addition, the report presents the entire elaboration of the product, from the concept of the theme to the final follow-up. Through the inserted dialogues, it was found that the podcast managed to expand, from journalistic techniques, the range of information about the reality of Brazilian motherhood.
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podcast , jornalismo humanizado , doulas , parto humanizado , podcast , humanized journalism , doulas , humanized birth