Representatividade feminina nas histórias em quadrinhos
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Ruiz, Luiza Trindade
Harris, Hugo de Almeida
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A representatividade feminina é abordada em diversas esferas da sociedade, e
a luta da mulher para estar presente em todos os lugares é diária. No meio
nerd/geek ainda existe uma barreira grande para as mulheres, tanto como
representações do feminino, na maioria das vezes objetificadas em HQs, quanto
em representatividade dentro das editoras de quadrinhos. O objetivo dessa
matéria hipermídia é entender o contexto que levou as mulheres a serem
representadas como são nas histórias, o porquê da dificuldade de entrar nesse
mercado, e qual a opinião das quadrinistas e consumidoras desses produtos,
tomando como base os trabalhos de Selma Regina Oliveira, Dan Mazur e
Alexander Danner, escritores que colocaram a história dos quadrinhos em obras
literárias, Jay e Patty Baker, documentaristas, além de Marshall McLuhan e
Steven Johnson, estudiosos da mídia que colaboraram para a construção do
jornalismo online.
The female representativeness is a subject discussed in many aspects of modern society, and the struggle of women to be represented in every place is an everyday battle. Inside nerd/geek culture, there is still a huge barrier for women, as representations of the feminine, most times objectified on comics, and also as representativeness inside comic publishers. The objective of this paper is to understand the historical context which led women to be represented as they are, why is it so hard to enter this Market, and also the opinion of comic book writers and readers of this kind of product. I studied works from Selma Regina Oliveira, Dan Mazur and Alexander Danner, writers whose books tell the story of the comic books since the beginning, Jay and Patty Baker, documentarians, besides Marshall McLuhan and Steven Johnson, masters of media who collaborated for the construction online journalism.
The female representativeness is a subject discussed in many aspects of modern society, and the struggle of women to be represented in every place is an everyday battle. Inside nerd/geek culture, there is still a huge barrier for women, as representations of the feminine, most times objectified on comics, and also as representativeness inside comic publishers. The objective of this paper is to understand the historical context which led women to be represented as they are, why is it so hard to enter this Market, and also the opinion of comic book writers and readers of this kind of product. I studied works from Selma Regina Oliveira, Dan Mazur and Alexander Danner, writers whose books tell the story of the comic books since the beginning, Jay and Patty Baker, documentarians, besides Marshall McLuhan and Steven Johnson, masters of media who collaborated for the construction online journalism.
Acesso online:
jornalismo online , HQ , representatividade feminina , geek , online journalism , comics , female representativeness , geek