Política de droga ou droga de política? Um olhar sobre a ação do Estado na “Cracolândia” da Luz
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Pessoa, Délis
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Este projeto aborda a conduta do Estado na maior cena de uso de crack do Brasil,
conhecida popularmente como “Cracolândia”. Região que compreende as
imediações das avenidas Duque de Caxias, Ipiranga, Rio Branco, Cásper Líbero,
Rua Mauá e Estação Júlio Prestes, no bairro da Luz, centro da cidade de São Paulo.
Para isso, foi discutido a eficácia de cada política pública implantada no território até
o momento. Falou-se da Operação Centro Legal (2009 a 2012), Projeto Nova Luz
(2013), durante a gestão dos prefeitos Gilberto Kassab (DEM) e José Serra (PSDB)
e do governador da época, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB). Programa de Braços Abertos
(2013 a 2016), de Fernando Haddad (PT), Programa Recomeço, da gestão
Alckmin/França (PSDB/PSB), em vigor desde 2013 e Projeto Redenção (desde
2017), de João Dória/Bruno Covas (PSDB). Em um segundo momento, utilizou-se
como referenciais teóricos as pesquisas de Taniele Rui, doutora em antropologia
social da Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp), Rosangela Helena Pezoti, doutora
em serviço social pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) e
Marco Aurélio Genghini, com mestrado em direito sobre políticas públicas na
“Cracolândia” da Luz pela Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. Para a produção
da grande reportagem, foram utilizados estes mesmos pesquisadores para fortalecer
a linha argumentativa da peça jornalística, além de dependentes químicos que
sofrem diretamente às ações do Poder Público e pessoas que colaboram na região,
seja por meio de trabalho voluntário ou remunerado.
This project approaches the state’s action in the largest crack using scene in Brazil, popularly known as ‘Crackland’. It’s a region that includes the surroundings of Duque de Caxias, Ipiranga, Rio Branco, Cásper Líbero Avenues, Mauá Streets and Júlio Prestes Train Station, which is located in the Luz’s neighborhood, in the center of São Paulo city. In order to do this, it was discussed the effectiveness of each public policy implemented in the territory until the present moment. It was talked about ‘Operação Centro Legal’ and ‘Projeto Nova Luz’ (2009 to 2012), which was launched by São Paulo major’s Gilberto Kassab (DEM), in partnership with the state governors, José Serra (PSDB) and Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB). It was also discussed the program created by the next São Paulo major’s Fernando Haddad (PT): ‘Programa de Braços Abertos’ (2014 to 2016). Also the other state policy ‘Programa Recomeço’ (since 2013), the administration of the current governors Geraldo Alckmin, Marcio França (PSDB/PSB) and finally ‘Projeto Redenção’ (since 2017), from the current majors of São Paulo city João Dória and Bruno Covas (PSDB). In a second moment, it was used the researches of Taniele Rui, doctor in Social Anthropology da Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp), Rosangela Helena Pezoti, doctor in Social Service from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP) and Marco Aurélio Genghini, who has a master's degree in law about public policy in ‘Crackland’, which was presented by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. For the production of this audiovisual report, the interview with the same researchers were used to strengthen the argumentative line of this journalistic product, besides chemical dependents who suffer directly the actions of the Public Power and people who collaborate in the region, whether through.voluntary.or.paid.work.
This project approaches the state’s action in the largest crack using scene in Brazil, popularly known as ‘Crackland’. It’s a region that includes the surroundings of Duque de Caxias, Ipiranga, Rio Branco, Cásper Líbero Avenues, Mauá Streets and Júlio Prestes Train Station, which is located in the Luz’s neighborhood, in the center of São Paulo city. In order to do this, it was discussed the effectiveness of each public policy implemented in the territory until the present moment. It was talked about ‘Operação Centro Legal’ and ‘Projeto Nova Luz’ (2009 to 2012), which was launched by São Paulo major’s Gilberto Kassab (DEM), in partnership with the state governors, José Serra (PSDB) and Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB). It was also discussed the program created by the next São Paulo major’s Fernando Haddad (PT): ‘Programa de Braços Abertos’ (2014 to 2016). Also the other state policy ‘Programa Recomeço’ (since 2013), the administration of the current governors Geraldo Alckmin, Marcio França (PSDB/PSB) and finally ‘Projeto Redenção’ (since 2017), from the current majors of São Paulo city João Dória and Bruno Covas (PSDB). In a second moment, it was used the researches of Taniele Rui, doctor in Social Anthropology da Universidade de Campinas (Unicamp), Rosangela Helena Pezoti, doctor in Social Service from Pontifícia Universidade Católica (PUC-SP) and Marco Aurélio Genghini, who has a master's degree in law about public policy in ‘Crackland’, which was presented by Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. For the production of this audiovisual report, the interview with the same researchers were used to strengthen the argumentative line of this journalistic product, besides chemical dependents who suffer directly the actions of the Public Power and people who collaborate in the region, whether through.voluntary.or.paid.work.
Disponível online:
políticas públicas , política de drogas , cracolândia da luz , crack , operação centro legal , projeto nova luz , programa de braços abertos , programa recomeço , programa redenção , jornalismo , public policy , drugs policy , crackland , crack , operation legal center , new light project , open arms program , restart program , program redemption , journalism