Mulheres em campo: a virada esportiva
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Citações (Scopus)
Martins, Amanda de Almeida
Periago, Francisco Redondo
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Este trabalho discorre sobre os primórdios do papel da mulher na mídia e como a
presença feminina foi ganhando espaço com o passar do tempo. Tendo em vista
que o machismo é um fator alarmante e ligado ao tema, serão discutidas pautas
como a conquista da posição feminina no jornalismo, o empoderamento e a
valorização delas. A partir disso, foi feito um documentário contando histórias de
algumas jornalistas esportivas, visando mostrar as dificuldades passadas por elas, o
caminho percorrido e onde chegaram. O produto possui como objetivo conscientizar
as pessoas de que, apesar de o machismo ainda ser muito presente em nossa
cultura, as mulheres estão conquistando seu espaço e provando a todos do que são
This project talks about the beginnings of the women position on the media and how the feminine presence is getting space with the time. Knowing that machism is a alarmant factor and related to the theme, it will be discussed subjects as the conquer of the feminine position on Journalism, the empowerment and their valorization. From this, a documentary was made telling stories of some sportive jornalists, in order to emphasize the difficulties they experienced, the way they traveled and where they arrived. The product has as objective aware the people that, besides machism still be very present in our culture, the women are conquering their space and proving everyone what they are capable of.
This project talks about the beginnings of the women position on the media and how the feminine presence is getting space with the time. Knowing that machism is a alarmant factor and related to the theme, it will be discussed subjects as the conquer of the feminine position on Journalism, the empowerment and their valorization. From this, a documentary was made telling stories of some sportive jornalists, in order to emphasize the difficulties they experienced, the way they traveled and where they arrived. The product has as objective aware the people that, besides machism still be very present in our culture, the women are conquering their space and proving everyone what they are capable of.
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machismo , jornalismo esportivo , valorização , empoderamento feminino , documentário , machism , sportive journalism , valorization , feminine empowerment , documentary