O “porão” do futebol europeu
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Guedes, Jullia Dos Santos
Souza, Vanderlei Dias de
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A globalização do futebol e a estagnação do futebol brasileiro potencializam o sonho
do alto rendimento em jovens atletas, que trilham caminhos árduos para realizar o
sonho de atuar na Europa. Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar e analisar as
condições de jogadores de futebol que atuam ou já atuaram no Velho Continente. A
partir de pesquisas e entrevistas com esses atletas, onde os mesmos narram
dificuldades com adaptação, clima, língua, problemas com contrato e empresários,
além de situações precárias para viver e trabalhar nos países, verificou-se a
necessidade de produção e publicação deste trabalho. Para tanto, elencou-se
reportagens jornalísticas, juntamente com pesquisas sobre transferências esportivas
nos últimos anos e entrevistas feitas pela autora como base de estudo deste
trabalho. O documentário foi escolhido para a peça com o objetivo de segmentar e
aprofundar cada tema retratado no trabalho para facilitar a compreensão do material
proposto. Diante disso, verifica-se que o futebol continua sendo o principal meio de
ascensão para os jovens, a mídia influencia diretamente na construção desse sonho
e atuar na Europa é considerado o ponto alto da carreira e qualidade de vida desses
atletas. Com esta publicação, espera-se esclarecer e pontuar todas as questões
relacionadas a transferências de jogadores de futebol para a Europa. E também
reformular a ideia de glamourização existente com transferências para times deste
Globalisation of football and the stagnation of Brazilian football potentiate the dream of the high yield in young athletes, who are struggling to achieve their dream of acting in Europe. The objective of this paper is to present and analyze the conditions of football players who work or have worked in the Old Continent. From surveys and interviews with these athletes - who described difficulties with adaptation, climate, language, problems with contract and agents, as well as precarious situations for living and working in developing countries - there is a need for production and publication of this work. Therefore, it was listed journalistic reportages, together with research on sports transfers in recent years and interviews conducted by the author as a basis for study of this work. The documentary were chosen like journalistic product for the purpose of segmenting and deepening each subject portrayed in the work to facilitate the understanding of the proposed material. In addition, it appears that the football remains the principal means of ascent to the young, the media influences directly in the construction of this dream and to act in Europe is considered the high point of these athletes’ career and quality of life. With this publication, it is expected to clarify and score all issues related to transfers of football players to Europe, reformulating the idea of glamorization existing in the teams of this continent.
Globalisation of football and the stagnation of Brazilian football potentiate the dream of the high yield in young athletes, who are struggling to achieve their dream of acting in Europe. The objective of this paper is to present and analyze the conditions of football players who work or have worked in the Old Continent. From surveys and interviews with these athletes - who described difficulties with adaptation, climate, language, problems with contract and agents, as well as precarious situations for living and working in developing countries - there is a need for production and publication of this work. Therefore, it was listed journalistic reportages, together with research on sports transfers in recent years and interviews conducted by the author as a basis for study of this work. The documentary were chosen like journalistic product for the purpose of segmenting and deepening each subject portrayed in the work to facilitate the understanding of the proposed material. In addition, it appears that the football remains the principal means of ascent to the young, the media influences directly in the construction of this dream and to act in Europe is considered the high point of these athletes’ career and quality of life. With this publication, it is expected to clarify and score all issues related to transfers of football players to Europe, reformulating the idea of glamorization existing in the teams of this continent.
Acesso online:
futebol , Europa , dificuldade , jornalismo , soccer , Europe , difficulties , journalism