Desvendando o candomblé
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Bambace, Felipe
Thomaz, Daniel de
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Em condições de prisioneiros de guerra no Brasil durante o período escravocrata, os
africanos mantiveram suas convicções religiosas mesmo após a tentativa de doutrinação
da Igreja Católica. Estabeleceram conexões e compartilharam conhecimentos, entre eles,
de cunho religioso. Essa troca de informações, práticas e culturas cristalizou o
surgimento de uma nova crença, em que a fé em diversas divindades alinhada a busca
pelo bem-estar energético eram prioridades. Nasce uma religião em meio ao ambiente de
desigualdade e intolerância. A formalização do candomblé ao longo dos anos herdou
alguns aspectos históricos culturais importantes. Só que com ela, vieram também os
estereótipos. Até hoje, candomblecistas sofrem com a intolerância religiosa e lutam
diariamente por respeito, reconhecimento, busca por representatividade e direitos na
esfera pública.
Under conditions of prisoners of war in Brazil during the slave-holding period, africans maintained their religious convictions even after the attempted indoctrination of the Catholic Church. They established connections and shared knowledge, among them, of a religious nature. This exchange of information, practices and cultures crystallized the emergence of a new belief, in which faith in several deities aligned the search for energy well-being were priorities. A religion is born amid the environment of inequality and intolerance. The formalization of candomblé over the years has inherited some important historical cultural aspects. But with her, came stereotypes as well. To this day, candomblecistas suffer from religious intolerance and fight daily for respect, recognition, search for representativeness and rights in the public sphere.
Under conditions of prisoners of war in Brazil during the slave-holding period, africans maintained their religious convictions even after the attempted indoctrination of the Catholic Church. They established connections and shared knowledge, among them, of a religious nature. This exchange of information, practices and cultures crystallized the emergence of a new belief, in which faith in several deities aligned the search for energy well-being were priorities. A religion is born amid the environment of inequality and intolerance. The formalization of candomblé over the years has inherited some important historical cultural aspects. But with her, came stereotypes as well. To this day, candomblecistas suffer from religious intolerance and fight daily for respect, recognition, search for representativeness and rights in the public sphere.
Disponível online:
candomblé , religião , intolerância , preconceito , escravidão , candomblé , religion , intolerance , preconception , slavery