Autódromo de Interlagos: para além do automobilismo
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Holanda Júnior, Adilson Pacheco de
Trigo, José Alves
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O presente trabalho de conclusão de curso tem como objetivo averiguar a importância
e influência do Autódromo de Interlagos em suas dependências e na vida dos
indivíduos que frequentam o local. Tal tema foi escolhido em razão de meus gostos
pessoais e do aniversário de 80 anos do Autódromo de São Paulo, que ocorreu em
2020. A metodologia utilizada foi investigativa, buscou-se entender as relações
históricas de construção do local através de uma pesquisa. Após, foram realizadas
entrevistas com pessoas que usufruem, de alguma forma do local, ou residem
próximos a ele. A partir dessas entrevistas espera-se entender a importância histórica
e atual do Autódromo para além da esfera automobilística. Com as informações
coletadas, houve a criação de um documentário que pudesse evidenciar essa
importância do local. Esse documentário conteve as entrevistas realizadas, bem como
filmagens do cotidiano dos indivíduos inseridos, de alguma forma, naquele ambiente.
This course conclusion work aims to investigate the importance and influence of the Interlagos Circuit in its dependencies and in the lives of the defendants who attend the place. This theme was chosen due to my personal tastes and the 80th anniversary of the Interlagos Circuit, in 2020. The methodology used was investigative, seeking to understand the historical relationships of construction of the site through research. Afterwards, they were found associated with people who enjoy the place in some way or live near it. Based on these changes, it is expected to understand the historical and current importance of the circuit beyond the automotive sphere. With the information collected, there was the creation of a documentary that could highlight the importance of the place. This documentary contains the chosen ones, as well as footage of the daily lives of those belonging, in some way, to that environment.
This course conclusion work aims to investigate the importance and influence of the Interlagos Circuit in its dependencies and in the lives of the defendants who attend the place. This theme was chosen due to my personal tastes and the 80th anniversary of the Interlagos Circuit, in 2020. The methodology used was investigative, seeking to understand the historical relationships of construction of the site through research. Afterwards, they were found associated with people who enjoy the place in some way or live near it. Based on these changes, it is expected to understand the historical and current importance of the circuit beyond the automotive sphere. With the information collected, there was the creation of a documentary that could highlight the importance of the place. This documentary contains the chosen ones, as well as footage of the daily lives of those belonging, in some way, to that environment.
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autódromo de Interlagos , importância , documentário , jornalismo , automotivo , carro , velocidade , automobilismo , Interlagos circuit , importance , documentary , automotive , jornalism , car , speed , motoring