As biopolíticas educacionais na permanência da sociedade dos privilégios: era Vargas, cidadão nacional e paradoxo da felicidade

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Santana, Wesley Espinosa
Bueno, Marcelo Martins
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Araújo, Paulo Roberto Monteiro de
Moraes, Gerson Leite de
Boto, Carlota Josefina Malta Cardozo dos Reis
Aquino, Maria Aparecida de
Educação, Arte e História da Cultura
The Vargas Era comprises a watershed period in Brazilian historiography and, based on this premise, the function of a statesman leader, where form, content and its consequences are discussed until today, we use the thought of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben to address the role of public educational policies in the historical permanence of inequalities even in the face of the institutionalization of social rights and the entry of workers into the political arena, in the polis. Agambenian thought talks about the biopolitical state, supported by the state of exception as a rule in the formation of the individual in homo sacer - naked of rights -, living or surviving on the margins of society and the polis under biopolitical actions in the control of bodies, minds and lives. The coming to power by a military coup led Getúlio Vargas to create this biopolitical state and include workers in the polis as a way to guarantee the consolidation of industrial capitalism and modernization by nationalist sentiment. In view of this historical political-economic-social context, we approach the intellectual elites aimed at guaranteeing the formation of a national system of education and educational biopolitics that would place the flags defended by what we call the Varguista project in guaranteeing the historical permanence of the society of privileges and, this, even despite important contributions such as Anísio Teixeira. These elites represented, on the one hand, Catholic conservatism and religious-politicaleconomic interests and, on the other, the innovators of the New School under the influence of Dewey liberal philosophy. From these conflicts and confrontations came laws that went to the constitutions of 1934, 1937 and 1946 and were analyzed with the intention of showing, in Aristotelian philosophy, the relationship between power and act, where, according to Agamben, the ruler is inoperative and Therefore, this project, which is not of a leader, but of the dominant classes, inside and outside the country, guarantees the dialectical materialist trajectory of the class struggle with the failures of education based on what we call the theory of the three stages of the process of failures: family, school and work that generated the national citizen, the neoliberal subjectivities and the paradox of happiness as permanence of the four capital sins - slavery, latifundium, patriarchal and patrimonialism - by José Murilo de Carvalho. The educational failure linked to the economic interests of peripheral capitalism makes this history a permanence of inequality and injustice in our country.
estado , era Vargas , biopolítica , educação , desigualdade social , privilégios
Assuntos Scopus
SANTANA, Wesley Espinosa. As biopolíticas educacionais na permanência da sociedade dos privilégios: era Vargas, cidadão nacional e paradoxo da felicidade. 2021. 316 f. Tese (Educação, Arte e História da Cultura) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2021.