Aprimoramento da gestão de riscos corporativos para o desenvolvimento de negócios de uma grande empresa nacional de alumínio
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Nagashi, Bruna Colantonio
Caldeira, Adilson
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Membros da banca
Miguel, Lilian Aparecida Pasquini
Oliva, Fábio Lotti
Oliva, Fábio Lotti
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Subject: This work aims to present strategies for solving the problem faced by Aluminis on
how to obtain, in a traditional company, the necessary attention to strategic issues related to the
operationalization, participative management and culture of Corporate Risk Management for
generation of shareholder value.
Application: The analysis of the Company’s Corporate Risk management maturity, supported
by interviews with the main managers of the Corporate Risk Management area and the special ized literature on this topic, revealed the need to review the main concerns regarding this issue,
making it possible to start the intervention, with actions that reformulated the arrangement of
points of attention in the process, in search of the desired evolution.
Innovation: The diagnosis resulted in the direction of solutions for process innovations, considering
mainly the sector in which the company operates, since it aggregates the development of the Corporate
Risk Management methodology and its acculturation, including the risks related to the company
Impact: This work is expected to help improve the company’s corporate risk management, by
increasing its level of maturity, helping to mitigate the risks to which it is exposed, significantly
increasing the participation of all employees and leadership in its daily management, as well as the
synergy between the company’s strategic planning, the generation of shareholder value and a more
mature Corporate Risk Management.
Complexity: The main challenge faced in this work considers the engagement of all company
employees, since it involves not only changes in processes and methodologies, but mainly in the
company’s culture. The tone of leadership is of great importance for the success of the work, but
without the active participation of all employees, corporate risk management becomes inefficient.
Method and procedures: The methodology for solving problems and taking advantage of
opportunities proposed by Marcondes, Miguel, Franklin and Perez (2017) was adopted. It started
with the understanding of the problem, followed by its diagnosis, which led to the proposed
gestão de riscos corporativos , desenvolvimento de negócios , criação de valor , estratégia , indústria de alumínio
Assuntos Scopus
NAGASHI, Bruna Colantonio. Aprimoramento da gestão de riscos corporativos para o desenvolvimento de negócios de uma grande empresa nacional de alumínio. 2021. 55 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.