Desenvolvimento de negócio por meio da criação de valor ao cliente do seguro viagem: Porto Seguro.
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Sanchez, Marcos Piauhy
Miguel, Lilian Aparecida Pasquini
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Membros da banca
Dantas, Sérgio Silva
Massareto, Humberto Emilio
Massareto, Humberto Emilio
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Subject matter:
This work’s goal is to enlarge the value creation perceived by clients by means of travel
insurance and its attributes comprehension which will lead to easy and assertive choices,
suitable to the customers’ profiles and necessities. It is intended to increase perceived value as
well as to reduce the client’s effort in the leading up steps to the hiring, in such a way that a
differential can be established for the Porto Seguro’s travel insurance product.
The key result of this paper is to create a structured, dynamic and continuous process of relevant
content production and publication through digital channels, purposing to promote and enhance
the interactions with the Porto Seguro’s insurance travel customers and potential customers.
The model is workable, considering that it had already been successfully applied by other sorts
of industries. Additionally, it is possible to replicate this model in other insurance branches and
financial products.
The main innovation refers to develop a content platform in order to raise the customer
awareness about characteristics and conditions of travel insurance. It is about an unprecedented
practice in the people-oriented insurance market in the country. The platform can be classified
as an incremental innovation (Tidd et al., 2008) – because it had already been successfully
applied by other sorts of industries which combines elements of product and processes
The solution presents market, financial and operational impacts on Porto Seguro’s travel
insurance. By connecting with customers, the content platform leads to a substantial
profitability and revenue growth; competitivity and market share increasement; and
enhancement of company’s digital capabilities. The solution enables customers to make more
assertive choices for their trips, especially when it comes to hiring a suitable insurance that
simplifies problem solving process while avoiding financial losses.
The distribution system provided by intermediaries significantly reduces the touch points
between Porto Seguro and its travel insurance customers. When the hiring is performed by
digital means (online self-service), the company is not able to promote effective customer
relationships. The content platform establishes a new model of communication and delivery of
services which faces high resistance from some stakeholders in view of that it requires changes
in organization processes and company policies as well as new resources and competencies.
Methodology adopted:
Design thinking was the methodology adopted to assess the competitive scenario, identify
opportunities, and develop the proposed solution. Several design thinking tools have been used,
such as insight cards, affinity diagram, menu of ideas and positioning matrix (Vianna et al.,
2012). A quantitative research has also been made which includes an explanatory analysis of
customers as well as a survey of secondary data.
seguro viagem , canais digitais , transformação digital , marketing de conteúdo , comunicação com clientes
Assuntos Scopus
SANCHEZ, Marcos Piauhy. Desenvolvimento de negócio por meio da criação de valor ao cliente do seguro viagem: Porto Seguro. 2021. 91 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.