Inteligência de mercado para o desenvolvimento de negócio do sistema OCESP
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Duarte, Lajyárea Barros
Franklin, Marcos Antonio
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Membros da banca
Dantas, Sérgio Silva
Ciaco, João Batista Simon
Ciaco, João Batista Simon
Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios
Subject: This work presents an analysis of OCESP System problem in order to structure a
business intelligence area. OCESP is an entity that represents São Paulo cooperatives.
Application: A survey was conducted with internal and external stakeholders to identify
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. After that, it was possible to elaborate an
action plan to solve the problem identified. The plan implementation considered a new
portfolio of products for the business intelligence area.
Impact: The introduction of the business intelligence area allowed the internal areas of the
OCESP System to obtain data and information to support daily operations and contribute to
the decision-making process. Cooperatives had access to the content that knowledge-deepen
in their fields. Although the OCB System operates nationwide most of the data was related to
São Paulo state, however, it will be possible to replicate it, since the OCB System has
national operations, the published products may contribute information to cooperatives and
state units in other states.
Innovation: The solutions adopted occurred in organizational, product, and process and
through the strategy of jointly dealing with the themes of cooperativism and market
intelligence, which is still little explored by the Brazilian cooperative system and by business
Complexity: The complexity was in the organization of the proposed solution to the problem
presented in this work, taking into account the specificities of cooperativism and at the same
time acting in the market competing with mercantile companies. Among the facilities is the
support of the OCESP System in the implantation of the market intelligence nucleus and
relationship with the other areas with the new structure and as for the difficulties, there is,
mainly, the data culture as a challenge to be overcome.
Applied Methodology: Based on the methodology for practical and applied research by
Marcondes, Miguel, Franklin and Perez (2017), it was conducted surveys and interviews with
employees, managers and clients of the OCESP System.
inteligência de mercado , inovação , cooperativismo
Assuntos Scopus
DUARTE, Lajyárea Barros. Inteligência de mercado para o desenvolvimento de negócio do sistema OCESP. 2021. 67 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Administração do Desenvolvimento de Negócios) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.