Modelo de negócio inovador por meio de aliança com distribuidores para criação de valor no setor de iluminação
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Moraes Junior, Laercio Ferreira
Ghobril, Alexandre Nabil
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Caldeira, Adilson
Almeida, Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de
Almeida, Martinho Isnard Ribeiro de
Administração de Empresas
Introduction: This text describes the study conducted by the author on Signify's business to create a partnership with distributors to operate in the lighting projects segment.
Methodology Used: It was followed the problem-solving and opportunity-taking method proposed by Marcondes, Miguel, Franklin, and Perez (2017).
Investigated Context: The lighting market has changed significantly after the LED introduction, allowing the participation of several new entrants, a fact that has hampered the business growth of and pressured the profitability of leading multinational in the segment. As a result Signify identified the potential to serve and create vale in projects wiht Luminaire and Connected Systems.
Situation Diagnosis: It was started by analyzing the market, segment trends and reflection on the Signify and its distributors positioning. Afterwards, it was sought to understand the needs of end customers and the service conditions of customers, distributors and the company itself, in order to formulate a business model that could meet the expectations and requirements of medium complexity projects.
Proposed Intervention: Based on the diagnosis, and innovative business model was proposed to offer on demand solutions and projects via the Distribution channel (Prof Trade), combining the company´s need to seek new business through differentiated offers to customers and develop this channel with a focus on projects. The model evolved throgh the definition and operation with distribution channel with a pilot to analyze its operational and financial viability.
Obtained Results: Even in the pandemic period, the business model has achieved convincing results with partnerships already in place with two distributors and the contracting of two shared resources. In addition, the first project sales have been already occurred and delivered, and previous analysis indicates sustainable continuity in the company's business.
Technological, Economic and Social Impact: This project has proven to be sustainable and in alignment with Signify's strategic objectives and with the market trend, and it can provide in the medium term a considerable increase in the company's revenues and its distributors, as well as improved profitability. It can also enhance partnerships with distributors, strengthening the brand in the market. This amplifies the project's potential impact and the relevance in the economic dimension, but also technological (through the incentive to new technologies) and social (generation of jobs in the distributor's area).
desenvolvimento de negócios , iluminação , aliança com canais de distribuição , inovação em modelo de negócio
Assuntos Scopus
MORAES JUNIOR, Laercio Ferreira. Modelo de negócio inovador por meio de aliança com distribuidores para criação de valor no setor de iluminação. 2021.61 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.