A relação entre liberdade econômica e o PIB per capita dos países no período de 2000-2017: uma análise de dados em painel.
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Vieira, Sérgio Gaspar Laranjeira
Scarano, Paulo Rogério
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Membros da banca
Muramatsu, Roberta
Santos, Ivison Poleto dos
Santos, Ivison Poleto dos
Economia e Mercados
Economic growth has constantly been an area of research, study and economic theorical and
empiric discussion. During last decades, besides traditional variables like capital, labor and
technology, the impact of institutions had been taken into consideration. In 1995, two new
indexes were created to account for the quality of these institutions, Economic Freedom of
the World (EFW), from Fraser institute, and Economic Freedom Index (EFI) from Heritage
foundation, which objective was to, given a defined and clear methodology, provide a
measurement of the quality of the institutions present in each of world´s nations. This
measure is relevant, since economic theory points out that inclusive institutions are those in
which property rights are freely exchanged in the market favoring economic performance.
Thus, the present work analyzes, through a panel of 91 countries, from 2000 to 2017, the
effect of economic freedom, using the above-mentioned indexes, on the level of their per
capita product. For the construction of the models, a review of the theoretical literature was
carried out, which indicated the main factors that affected economic growth and, therefore,
its level of GDP per capita. In this context, the discussion about the role of institutions for
the prosperity of a nation was included. From this review, the dependent and explanatory
variables used in recent empirical studies linking institutions to economic performance were
identified, as well as the presentation of their respective econometric methodologies. From
the review of the empirical literature, the models used in this research were elaborated, the
results of which showed that the economic freedom indexes used (both EFW and EFI) have
a positive effect for the per capita product level of the countries, that is, as the degree of
economic freedom increases, the level of its GDP per capita also increases.
desempenho econômico , liberdade econômica. , instituições , PIB per capita , painel de dados.
Assuntos Scopus
VIEIRA, Sérgio Gaspar Laranjeira. A relação entre liberdade econômica e o PIB per capita dos países no período de 2000-2017: uma análise de dados em painel. 2021. 64 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Economia e Mercados) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.