Composição ministerial e tamanho de governo no Brasil: uma análise do período de 1985 a 2019, sob a ótica da escolha pública.
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Ghizellini, Mariangela
Maciel, Vladimir Fernandes
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Membros da banca
Scarano, Paulo Rogério
Arvate, Paulo Roberto
Arvate, Paulo Roberto
Economia e Mercados
From the concern with the extension of the State's power over the direction of the economy,
and consequently under the direction of the lives of individuals in a society, this work intends
to analyze, from the perspective of the theory of public choice, how the ministerial composition
affects public spending and the size of government, taking into account governance in the
Brazilian multiparty presidential system. Federal public spending from 1985 to 2019 will be
analyzed, based on party fragmentation and ministerial composition through federal
government expenditure data for the same period, from the Union's budget execution
expenditure lines, which will be combined with the data referring to the ministerial composition
in the same period, with the intention of observing the party fragmentation in the composition
of the government coalition. The correlation of these variables will be able to signal whether a
greater party fragmentation in the government coalition and a greater number of spending order
ministries are or are not linked to a larger government size.
tamanho de governo , presidencialismo de coalizão , escolha pública , fragmentação partidária , ministérios ordenadores de despesas
Assuntos Scopus
GHIZELLINI, Mariangela. Composição ministerial e tamanho de governo no Brasil: uma análise do período de 1985 a 2019, sob a ótica da escolha pública.. 2021. 68 f. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Economia e Mercados) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2021.