Compliance em proteção de dados pessoais à luz das Instituições Privadas de Ensino Superior

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Sales, Stela Chaves Rocha
Saavedra, Giovani Agostini
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Moreira, Diogo Rais Rodrigues
Ghirardi, Maria do Carmo Garcez
Direito Político e Econômico
As the arising of the 4.0 Industry, the commercial relationships become faster, more complex and efficient. A significant amount of data and information, before loose and disconnected, started being collected and processed in to information (Big Data), which was only possible by the existence of technologies as Cloud Storage, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality and Cyber Physical Systems. These technologies, through the current computacional power, turn data into information and intelligence for decision making. Therefore, the contemporary society, also known as the informational society, has its foundations based in the use of personal data. The manipulation of this data in global scale brings countless benefits and a series of challenges as regards privacy. In order to protect user’s rights, in 2018, Brazil created the Lei gral de Proteção de Dados (General Law of Data Protection), which put boundaries to the use and treatment of personal data, raising the user status as owner of his own personal data. The present research seeks to identify the law reflection to the private upper education institutions and which are the required elements for the institutions to keep a digital compliance system that goes beyond the fulfilment of General Data Protection Law and General Data Protect Regulation, that has as goal to implement an ethical culture turned to personal data protection. To accomplish this task, the research made use of the existing bibliography on the subject, as well as the case study at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, which has long been concerned with maintaining a culture of integrity and ethics in its processes and with the creation of law, seek to enlarge the scope of the compliance programs to reach the personal data protection, in its Institution.
compliance , proteção de dados , Instituições de Ensino Superior , lei geral de proteção de dados , general data protect regulation
Assuntos Scopus
SALES, Stela Chaves Rocha. Compliance em proteção de dados pessoais à luz das Instituições Privadas de Ensino Superior. 2021. 131 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Direito Político e Econômico) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2021.