Capacidade dinâmica gerencial de escolas privadas brasileiras de educação básica

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Ventura, Lia Schuch
Sambiase, Marta Fabiano
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Meirelles, Dimaria Silva e
Martins, Elvis Silveira
Administração de Empresas
This work aims to identify the Dynamic Managerial Capability (DMC) of private basic education institutions in Brazil. The dynamic managerial capability is useful for studies whose interests are focused on understanding managerial decisions, mainly, beyond business strategy, and also, it may involve strategic changes and corporate performance under changing conditions; thus, the dynamic managerial capabilities are capabilities by which entrepreneurs and managers build, integrate and reconnect resources and organizational skills (ADNER; HELFAT, 2003). Since the concept of DMC is presented in literature as comprehensive and with integration of other concepts such as human, social and cognitive capital, no quantitative and qualitative empirical studies have been found to address all these aspects of organizational management. In the management environment of private Brazilian elementary schools, the dynamic managerial capacity becomes a major challenge since there is a tendency for the management of these organizations to be carried out by education professionals and coming from other areas than business administration. In addition, empirical studies focused on the basic education segment in the national literature are fundamentally focused on school performance rather than business performance. In this context, in order to get to know the DMC of private basic education schools, this study also pursues the methodological objective of verifying the validity of a quantitative scale for the construction of dynamic managerial capacity in its three dimensions: human capital, cognitive capital and social capital. The survey was carried out with qualitative data collection with twelve managers, and with a valid sample of 214 respondents from a questionnaire created from the literature review, review of other scales, and analysis of interviews with managers of private basic education schools present in the five regions of Brazil. The data were treated with descriptive statistical techniques, where exploratory factorial analysis confirms greater explanatory power if the three dimensions of the construct are considered. Each of the dimensions of human, social, and cognitive capital showed statistical and analytical validity of its factors. Finally, this research advances the understanding of this concept and contributes to a better understanding of school management capacity, thus being able to bring more management knowledge to school managers, since a technical report will be sent to the participants of this research.Keywords: management dynamics; school management; elementary education; private school
capacidade dinâmica gerencial , gestão escolar , educação básica , escola privada
Assuntos Scopus
VENTURA, Lia Schuch. Capacidade dinâmica gerencial de escolas privadas brasileiras de educação básica. 2020. 154 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Administração de Empresas) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo. 2020.