Desafios para implementação de empreendimentos urbanos: o programa de mobilidade de São Paulo de 2012

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Wieck, Carlos Perondi
Abascal, Eunice Helena Sguizzardi
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Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
Izaga, Fabiana Generoso de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
The present study seeks to understand and present the main dimensions (factors) that together can influence the implementation of urban mobility projects, such as the bus corridors for the São Paulo Mobility Program (2012). It aims to relate some of the obstacles faced by municipal public administration during the process of implementing urban infrastructure projects, financed by other spheres of government, and how this set of relationships, often unbalanced, impact on the development of these enterprises that are sometimes in fragile and disjointed projects that do not address the complexities of the problems and of the urban territory itself. From the survey and analysis of primary elements of the object in question, a critique is made that addresses such mismatches from several angles, considering as main intervening factors in the process of design and implementation of works and projects, the dimensions related to the specific project, the transfer of resources, and the budget and price, revealing the difficulties of São Paulo municipal administration in proposing, managing, financing and implementing complex projects such as bus corridors.
mobilidade urbana , corredores de ônibus , empreendimentos de infraestrutura urbana , processos de financiamento e repasse
Assuntos Scopus
WIECK, Carlos Perondi. Desafios para implementação de empreendimentos urbanos: o programa de mobilidade de São Paulo de 2012. 2018. 155 f. Dissertação ( Mestrado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2018 .