Traições ao trágico: uma (re)leitura do rompimento da barragem de rejeitos em Mariana/MG
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Olivato, Paulo
Campos Neto, Candido Malta
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Kato, Volia Regina Costa
Lima, Ana Gabriela Godinho
Barros, Luiz Antonio Recamán
Sales, Pedro Manuel Rivaben de
Lima, Ana Gabriela Godinho
Barros, Luiz Antonio Recamán
Sales, Pedro Manuel Rivaben de
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Na expressão atribuída à “maior tragédia ambiental do país”, notadamente referindo-se às consequências atreladas ao rompimento da barragem de mineração da empresa Samarco, no município de Mariana, MG, em 2015, quem haveria de hesitar sobre as suas proporções colossais? Aqui, a suspeita sobre a palavra “tragédia” evoca a discussão sobre as tragédias [hiper]midiatizadas. Assim, este trabalho busca, em outras bases, pensar a “tragédia de Mariana” e mostrar que as leituras interpretativas podem ajudar a decifrar estratégias de dominação territorial. Para tanto, lançamos mão de investigações teóricas e conceituais, capazes de questionar a tragédia, situando-a em um diagrama tripartido, articulado a partir da própria palavra tragédia, da técnica e do território. A conceitualização do termo território passa a ser central para o reconhecimento das suas implicações, sejam elas físicas, envolvendo as disputas por recursos disponibilizáveis, sejam nos processos sociais e históricos de produção de subjetividade, em particular, envolvidos na construção do acontecimento ex post facto. A questão que se coloca é: como estas forças sociais são [des]ativadas, no instante da pane técnica? O arrazoamento instrumental do pensamento, discutido por meio dos escritos de Heidegger sobre a essência da técnica, nos leva a reconhecer as imbricações destes processos com os modos de expansão (ilimitada) de reprodução de capital à custa da disponibilização de formas situadas de existência. Neste sentido, os processos de modernização permitem reconhecer traços característicos desta leitura do ser da técnica, aproximada dos mecanismos de reprodução do capital, do acúmulo e da violência. Foram percebidos os efeitos das medidas de controle (governo) da vida e da morte dos atingidos, aproximando-se do sentido das noções filosóficas de biopolítica e de necropolítica. Assim, discute-se que o território que engendra o dispositivo de enunciação sobre a tragédia, capturado pelas grandes corporações minerárias, pode ser também um território da proteção da vida, nas múltiplas formas de existência e do habitat.
In the expression attributed to the "biggest environmental catastrophe in Brazil", notably referring to the consequences tied to the collapse of the Samarco mining dam in the municipality of Mariana/MG in 2015, who would hesitate about its colossal proportions? Here the suspicion about the word "tragedy" evokes the discussion about [hyper]mediatized tragedies. Thus, this paper aims, on other bases, to cogitate the "Mariana tragedy" and show that interpretative readings can help to decipher strategies of territorial domination, through the weakening of its political meaning. To this end, we make use of theoretical and conceptual investigations, capable of questioning the disaster, placing it in a tripartite diagram, articulated from the word tragedy itself, from technique, and from territory. The conceptualization of the term territory becomes central to the recognition of its implications, whether they are physical, involving disputes over available resources, or in the social and historical processes of subjectivity production and construction of the subject ex post facto. The question that arises is: how are these social forces [de]activated, at the instant of technical breakdown? The instrumental reasoning of thought, discussed through Heidegger's writings on the essence of technique, leads us to recognize the imbrications of these procedures with the modes of (unlimited) expansion of capital reproduction at the expense of making available situated forms of existence. In a sense, the processes of modernization allow us to recognize characteristic traces of this reading of the being of technique, bringing them closer to historical processes, of accumulation, disproportion and violence. The effects of control measures (government) on the life and death of the affected people were perceived, approaching the meaning of the philosophical notions of biopolitics and necropolitics. Thus, we argue that the district that engenders the device of enunciation about the tragedy, captured by the large mining corporations, may become, simultaneously, the territory of production and protection of life and of the habitat.
In the expression attributed to the "biggest environmental catastrophe in Brazil", notably referring to the consequences tied to the collapse of the Samarco mining dam in the municipality of Mariana/MG in 2015, who would hesitate about its colossal proportions? Here the suspicion about the word "tragedy" evokes the discussion about [hyper]mediatized tragedies. Thus, this paper aims, on other bases, to cogitate the "Mariana tragedy" and show that interpretative readings can help to decipher strategies of territorial domination, through the weakening of its political meaning. To this end, we make use of theoretical and conceptual investigations, capable of questioning the disaster, placing it in a tripartite diagram, articulated from the word tragedy itself, from technique, and from territory. The conceptualization of the term territory becomes central to the recognition of its implications, whether they are physical, involving disputes over available resources, or in the social and historical processes of subjectivity production and construction of the subject ex post facto. The question that arises is: how are these social forces [de]activated, at the instant of technical breakdown? The instrumental reasoning of thought, discussed through Heidegger's writings on the essence of technique, leads us to recognize the imbrications of these procedures with the modes of (unlimited) expansion of capital reproduction at the expense of making available situated forms of existence. In a sense, the processes of modernization allow us to recognize characteristic traces of this reading of the being of technique, bringing them closer to historical processes, of accumulation, disproportion and violence. The effects of control measures (government) on the life and death of the affected people were perceived, approaching the meaning of the philosophical notions of biopolitics and necropolitics. Thus, we argue that the district that engenders the device of enunciation about the tragedy, captured by the large mining corporations, may become, simultaneously, the territory of production and protection of life and of the habitat.
território , rompimento de barragem , tragédia , acontecimento , técnica
Assuntos Scopus
OLIVATO, Paulo. Traições ao trágico: uma (re)leitura do rompimento da barragem de rejeitos em Mariana/MG. 2021. 277 f. Tese ( Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2021 .