Parâmetros para a ocupação sustentável de áreas de fundo de vale no meio urbano: o caso da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Jaguaré, São Paulo
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Castro, Afonso Celso Vanoni de
Alvim, Angélica Aparecida Tanus Benatti
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Membros da banca
Giansante, Antonio Eduardo
Travassos, Luciana Rodrigues Fagnoni Costa
Rutkowski, Emilia Wanda
Caldana Junior, Valter Luiz
Travassos, Luciana Rodrigues Fagnoni Costa
Rutkowski, Emilia Wanda
Caldana Junior, Valter Luiz
Arquitetura e Urbanismo
Esta pesquisa trata da relação entre rios e cidades, seus conflitos e possibilidades de
convivência a partir da reflexão sobre o papel do planejamento urbano e ambiental, integrado
e sistêmico. Tendo como objeto a cidade de São Paulo, parte-se do pressuposto que o
processo de sua ocupação urbana é fruto de uma lógica setorial que desconsiderou a bacia
hidrográfica, promovendo a canalização e/ou o tamponamento dos cursos d’água (rios e
córregos), para a ampliação de áreas urbanizáveis e construção do sistema viário, em áreas
impróprias à urbanização. Como consequência, os efeitos das enchentes e inundações são
cada vez mais danosos ao ambiente e à sociedade. Trata-se de um modelo que foi adotado
em diversas cidades do mundo, ao longo do século XX, mas que vem sendo revertido, por
meio de ações conscientes e planejadas em consonância com as características ambientais
da bacia hidrográfica. A hipótese central da pesquisa é que a ausência de um processo de
planejamento urbano, sistêmico e integrado, na cidade de São Paulo, aliado à não definição
de parâmetros de ocupação urbana compatíveis com as características hidrológicas da bacia
hidrográfica do Alto Tietê, vêm contribuindo para reforçar a lógica setorial de obras e
investimentos públicos que prevaleceu na ocupação das áreas de fundo de vale, e que
culminaram na transformação dos cursos d’ água em componentes da infraestrutura urbana.
Tendo como estudo de caso, a bacia hidrográfica do córrego do Jaguaré, defende-se a
seguinte tese “Para se promover a sustentabilidade de uma bacia hidrográfica urbanizada, há
que se adotar parâmetros de ocupação compatíveis às suas características ambientais, com
especial atenção às características hidrológicas dos cursos d’ água em áreas de fundo de
vale, como parte de um processo de planejamento integrado e sistêmico, base para a
recuperação dos cursos d´água e de sua transformação em elementos estruturais da
paisagem urbana”. A pesquisa se desenvolve em duas partes e quatro capítulos. A Parte 1,
com dois capítulos, organiza as referências teóricas e projetuais, contextualiza o problema da
relação rio e cidade; sintetiza a experiência americana com novas abordagens para
urbanização em orlas fluviais e fundos de vale e apresenta duas importantes referências de
planejamento urbano para o controle de enchentes e inundações: Nova York (EUA) e
Blumenau (Brasil). A parte 2, com dois capítulos, sintetiza o processo de urbanização e os
principais planos para a cidade de São Paulo, que privilegiou a lógica setorial e econômica,
em detrimento à ambiental; a partir do estudo de caso da bacia hidrográfica do córrego
Jaguaré, propõe-se uma metodologia de análise e de mapeamento de algumas dimensões
da sustentabilidade deste território de modo a contribuir para a definição de diretrizes e
orientar novos parâmetros de ocupação urbana em áreas de fundo de vale. Nas considerações finais, sem desconsiderar a complexidade e amplitude do tema, retomam-se
os principais aspectos da pesquisa, procura-se demonstrar a tese e indicar algumas
recomendações a serem consideradas no planejamento de áreas de fundo de vale, tendo em
vista a promoção de uma ocupação urbana e ambiental sustentável da bacia hidrográfica.
This research explores the relationship between rivers and cities, their conflicts and possibilities of coexistence from the reflection on the role of urban and environmental planning, integrated and systemic. Having as its object the city of São Paulo, it is assumed that the process of its urban occupation is the result of a sectoral logic that disregarded the hydrographic basin. This, in part, promoted the channeling and / or buffering of water courses (rivers and streams), for the expansion of urbanizable areas and construction of the road system, in areas unsuitable for urbanization. As a result, the effects of floods are increasingly damaging to the environment and society. This is a model that was adopted in several cities around the world, throughout the 20th century, but which has been reversed, through conscious and planned actions in line with the environmental characteristics of the hydrographic basin. The central hypothesis of this research is that the absence of a systemic, integrated and urban planning process in the city of São Paulo, combined with the lack of definition of urban occupation parameters compatible with the hydrological characteristics of the Alto Tietê hydrographic basin, have contributed to reinforcing the sectoral logic of public works and public investments that prevailed in the occupation of the valley floor areas – which culminated in the transformation of water courses into components of urban infrastructure. Taking the Jaguaré stream hydrographic basin as a case study, the following thesis is defended: “To promote the sustainability of an urbanized hydrographic basin, it is necessary to adopt occupation parameters compatible with its environmental characteristics – giving special attention to the hydrological characteristics of water courses in valley floor areas – as part of an integrated and systematic planning process, as the basis for the recovery of water courses and their transformation into structural elements of the urban landscape.” The research is developed in two parts and four chapters. Part 1, with two chapters, organizes theoretical and projectual references, contextualizes the problem of the river and city relationship; synthesizes the American experience with new approaches to urbanization on riverbanks and valley bottoms, and presents two important references of urban planning for flood and flood control: New York (USA) and Blumenau (Brazil). Part 2, with two chapters, summarizes the urbanization process and the main plans for the city of São Paulo, which favored the sectorial and economic logic, to the detriment of the environmental one. Based on the case study of the Jaguaré stream hydrographic basin, a methodology for analyzing and mapping some dimensions of the sustainability of this territory is proposed in order to contribute to the definition of guidelines, as well as guide new parameters of urban occupation in valley bottom areas. In the final considerations, without disregarding the complexity and breadth of the theme, the main aspects of the research are resumed, the thesis is demonstrated and some recommendations to be considered in the planning of valley floor areas are indicated, with a view to promoting a sustainable urban and environmental occupation of the hydrographic basin.
This research explores the relationship between rivers and cities, their conflicts and possibilities of coexistence from the reflection on the role of urban and environmental planning, integrated and systemic. Having as its object the city of São Paulo, it is assumed that the process of its urban occupation is the result of a sectoral logic that disregarded the hydrographic basin. This, in part, promoted the channeling and / or buffering of water courses (rivers and streams), for the expansion of urbanizable areas and construction of the road system, in areas unsuitable for urbanization. As a result, the effects of floods are increasingly damaging to the environment and society. This is a model that was adopted in several cities around the world, throughout the 20th century, but which has been reversed, through conscious and planned actions in line with the environmental characteristics of the hydrographic basin. The central hypothesis of this research is that the absence of a systemic, integrated and urban planning process in the city of São Paulo, combined with the lack of definition of urban occupation parameters compatible with the hydrological characteristics of the Alto Tietê hydrographic basin, have contributed to reinforcing the sectoral logic of public works and public investments that prevailed in the occupation of the valley floor areas – which culminated in the transformation of water courses into components of urban infrastructure. Taking the Jaguaré stream hydrographic basin as a case study, the following thesis is defended: “To promote the sustainability of an urbanized hydrographic basin, it is necessary to adopt occupation parameters compatible with its environmental characteristics – giving special attention to the hydrological characteristics of water courses in valley floor areas – as part of an integrated and systematic planning process, as the basis for the recovery of water courses and their transformation into structural elements of the urban landscape.” The research is developed in two parts and four chapters. Part 1, with two chapters, organizes theoretical and projectual references, contextualizes the problem of the river and city relationship; synthesizes the American experience with new approaches to urbanization on riverbanks and valley bottoms, and presents two important references of urban planning for flood and flood control: New York (USA) and Blumenau (Brazil). Part 2, with two chapters, summarizes the urbanization process and the main plans for the city of São Paulo, which favored the sectorial and economic logic, to the detriment of the environmental one. Based on the case study of the Jaguaré stream hydrographic basin, a methodology for analyzing and mapping some dimensions of the sustainability of this territory is proposed in order to contribute to the definition of guidelines, as well as guide new parameters of urban occupation in valley bottom areas. In the final considerations, without disregarding the complexity and breadth of the theme, the main aspects of the research are resumed, the thesis is demonstrated and some recommendations to be considered in the planning of valley floor areas are indicated, with a view to promoting a sustainable urban and environmental occupation of the hydrographic basin.
áreas de fundo de vale , parâmetros urbanísticos e ambientais , bacia hidrográfica , infraestrutura urbana , córrego Jaguaré – São Paulo
Assuntos Scopus
CASTRO, Afonso Celso Vanoni de. Parâmetros para a ocupação sustentável de áreas de fundo de vale no meio urbano: o caso da bacia hidrográfica do córrego Jaguaré, São Paulo. 2021. 348 f. Tese ( Doutorado em Arquitetura e Urbanismo) - Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, São Paulo, 2021 .