Como as mulheres da geração z sobrevivem com seus transtornos mentais
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Alves, Karolline Nayara
Paiero, Denise Cristine
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Doenças psicológicas são doenças sérias, mas nem sempre são
reconhecidas assim. Pessoas que as possuem sofrem, todos os dias, para
fazer coisas como levantar da cama ou ir trabalhar. Os índices de jovens e
adolescentes com transtornos psicológicos estão em ascensão. Segundo a
Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS), 300 milhões de pessoas no mundo
sofrem com depressão. No Brasil, os números são ainda mais alarmantes,
cerca de 5,8% da população brasileira sofre com a doença, um total de 11,5
milhões de brasileiros. O produto deste trabalho visa, então, expor a realidade
dessas mulheres da geração Z - que é formada por todos aqueles que
nasceram entre os anos de 1995 a 2010 e compõem 25,9% da população
mundial - e mostrar como elas sobrevivem em nossa sociedade com seus
transtornos psicológicos. Para isso, foi desenvolvido uma roda de conversa em
um episódio de podcast para que as mulheres exponham o que sentem.
Psychological illnesses are serious illnesses, but they are not always recognized as such. People who have them suffer every day to do things like get out of bed or go to work. The rates of young people and adolescents with psychological disorders are on the rise. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In Brazil, the numbers are even more alarming, about 5.8% of the Brazilian population suffers from the disease, a total of 11.5 million Brazilians. The product of this work aims, therefore, to expose the reality of these women of generation Z - which is formed by all those who were born between the years 1995 to 2010 and make up 25.9% of the world population - and to show how they survive in our society with their psychological disorders. For this, a conversation wheel has been developed in a podcast episode for women to expose what they feel.
Psychological illnesses are serious illnesses, but they are not always recognized as such. People who have them suffer every day to do things like get out of bed or go to work. The rates of young people and adolescents with psychological disorders are on the rise. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. In Brazil, the numbers are even more alarming, about 5.8% of the Brazilian population suffers from the disease, a total of 11.5 million Brazilians. The product of this work aims, therefore, to expose the reality of these women of generation Z - which is formed by all those who were born between the years 1995 to 2010 and make up 25.9% of the world population - and to show how they survive in our society with their psychological disorders. For this, a conversation wheel has been developed in a podcast episode for women to expose what they feel.
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jornalismo , podcast , transtornos psicológicos , saúde mental , geração z , mulheres , journalism , podcast , psychological disorders , mental health , generation z , women