Infâncias transgressoras: histórias de crianças além das estatísticas
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Teles, Gabriel Nunes Silva
Moraes, Mirtes de
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O presente estudo deu base à produção do livro-reportagem “Infâncias
transgressoras: Histórias de crianças além das estatísticas”. A peça teve como
objetivo o retrato de mulheres trans e travestis a partir da perspectiva de seu
crescimento e adolescência, ilustrando vidas jovens que sofreram os perigos e
obstáculos de viver no Brasil, país que mais mata mulheres trans no mundo,
segundo apuração da organização internacional Transgender Europe. A perguntaproblema
que circundou o trabalho foi como produzir um relato humanizado, que
fosse além das brutais estatísticas que os veículos midiáticos cobrem acerca do
cotidiano trans. Por meio de uma série de entrevistas, o livro apresenta
personagens, reconstrói trajetórias e dá nomes a uma parcela da população
socialmente negligenciada. Aliando dados factuais às realidades das fontes, a obra é
capaz de problematizar a transfobia institucional, com o intuito de suscitar no leitor o
entendimento da urgência de políticas públicas para proteção da população travesti
e transexual brasileira.
The research presented in this document is the basis for the production of the book “Transgressor childhood: stories of children beyond the statistics”. The project had as its main purpose the figure of trans women and transvestite from the perspective of their adolescence, illustrating young lives that suffered the dangers and difficulties of living in Brazil, ranked first among the world’s deadliest countries for trans community, according to an international organization called Transgender Europe. The problem addressed in the project was based on how to produce an humanized report that could go further than the brutal statistics media outlets cover around trans community. Through interviews, the book presents characters, reconstructs paths e gives out names to a part of the socially neglected population. By gathering factual data to the source’s realities, the book is able to question structural transphobia, aiming to make the readers understand the urgency of public politics to protect Brazilian trans community.
The research presented in this document is the basis for the production of the book “Transgressor childhood: stories of children beyond the statistics”. The project had as its main purpose the figure of trans women and transvestite from the perspective of their adolescence, illustrating young lives that suffered the dangers and difficulties of living in Brazil, ranked first among the world’s deadliest countries for trans community, according to an international organization called Transgender Europe. The problem addressed in the project was based on how to produce an humanized report that could go further than the brutal statistics media outlets cover around trans community. Through interviews, the book presents characters, reconstructs paths e gives out names to a part of the socially neglected population. By gathering factual data to the source’s realities, the book is able to question structural transphobia, aiming to make the readers understand the urgency of public politics to protect Brazilian trans community.
jornalismo humanizado , infância trans , livro-reportagem travestis , humanized journalism , trans childhood , news report transvestite